Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Financial Partners - New Destiny

As we have been going forward with the Journery of New Destiny Community Church, we have had many ask about supporting financially. On behalf of New Destiny, I do want to thank everyone who has already given. We have had several churches and many individuals give. The North Carolina District and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly (parent church) covers and guides us. Both have graciously given financially to help New Destiny answer the call in reaching people for Jesus in this community. Melissa and I also have a Church Planting coach that helps guide as well.

It takes financial resouces to do ministry, especially when starting a church. There are many start up costs to launch effectively. We can use many more financial partners to rise up and assist as we continue this journey. If you can give on a regular basis for the next year (or whatever time frame), please just send an email or note to let us a know. Or feel free to give as you are able.

If you attend a different church, we encourage you to give your tithe to that church. But for those that do join up with New Destiny, we encourage to shift your financial support to New Destiny.

Please make any checks out to New Destiny Community Church


Mike Teeter

c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Jail Ourtreach - praise report

This past Thursday, Scott Vernon and I along with many others had the opportunity to go into a local jail to share a Christmas program. We delivered some cookies and soda along with some gift bags the Chaplain had put together. I had the honor to present the Christmas message three times: once to a young man, then two other times to a small group of men. After sharing the Christmas story along with a short story - "Crippled Puppy"! The message stands true for eternity, Jesus came as the greatest gift of all, that we may be saved! After giving the invitation to come to Jesus, 12 men total raised their hands. Praise God for these 12 and so many others that have come to salvation this holiday season.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What do you believe?

A few days ago I glanced over an article in the USA today and then a friend of mine Pastor Jeremy from Wyandotte Family Church out of Michigan mentioned the article in his blog. Pastor Jeremy and I met at a Church Planter Boot Camp (seminar) this past March. Thank you for sharing this great blog article Pastor Jeremy. Here is his link:


ARTICLE IN USA TODAY on Thursday, December 10, 2009

22% of Christians surveyed believe that people will be reborn in this world again and again (reincarnation)

17% of Christians surveyed believe that people with an "evil eye" can cast curses or harmful spells

15% of Christians surveyed admitted they attend services of at least one other faith.

What does all this mean? Synchretism by definition means blending together of different religions. People are taking one thing from Christianity, one thing from Islam, one from New Age Thought, and another from their own experience.

What drives your belief system? If it's emotions, they will fail and change often. If it's a new age movement, give it time it will fade. If it's God's Word, it will always remain.

Psalm 33:4--For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

1 Peter 1:24-25--"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25but the word of the Lord stands forever.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prison Outreach Testimony

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who helped, prayed or provided food for the Prison Holiday Dinner this past Friday, December 4th. We had a team of 16 people go representing 5 different churches. Woodland UMC provided most of the meat, Lake Wylie Christian Assembly provided the sides as well as other items, New Destiny Community Church provided most of the desserts. Minister Quinton and Rendi led in music, Jimmy from LWCA gave a testimony and then Quinton brought a powerful Word from God about trusting in Him (Proverbs 3:5,6). It was a powerful night with many lives touched with the gospel. There was 12 who made repentive decisions for Jesus!

Then this past Sunday, three of us went back to the prison to hold the morning chapel service. Bruce and Scott shared testimonies. Then I brought the word, Cracked Pots (Acts 3 and 4). We have cracks in our lives, but God still loves us and makes us whole! There were 9 repentive decisions for Christ.

Once again, thank you.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

Monday, December 7, 2009

Denver NC Christmas Parade testimony

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who came out to help us this past Saturday with the Denver, NC Christmas Parade. We had 18 people come out and help us with our parade entry and give out over 100 t shirts and over 1200 candy canes with candy cane tracts. We then had the opportunity to have our music team play prior to the awards and tree lighting ceremony. Denver, NC came out by the thousands for the first ever Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting. We were honored to be a part of this incredible event! May God touch lives with the many seeds that were planted for the gospel.

Merry Christmas!

Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Monday, November 30, 2009

Shout Out! (Thanksgiving Night Testimony)

Melissa and I had a wonderful time on Thanksgiving Day, hanging out with family, eating some good food and a little rest. But one of the biggest hightlights of the holiday was that night when I went to the jail for the yearly Thanksgiving outreach. We like to refer to it as "The Power of Pie!" We treat those in jail with some pie and soda. Then we treat them with a holiday program. I teamed up with 3 friends (Tyler, Scott and Fisher). We spent time with 2 different groups and both times went incredible. God truly showed up. After sharing testimony and The Word, we then challenged the men to give their lives Jesus! Praise the Lord, 42 made decisions for Jesus! God is good and what better way to end a holiday then see so many come to Him.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699


Below are a few scriptures regarding salvation decisions:

John 3:16-17

16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

1 John 1:9
9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Jude 1:22-23

22Be merciful to those who doubt; 23snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

Hebrews 9:27
27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

John 10:10 (New International Version)
10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Whose approval are you looking for?

Most of us live very active and full lives. We want to please our spouses, parents, friends, teachers, bosses and so many others. But as we move forward in life, we all come to learn it is not truly possible to please everyone. We will wear ourselves out living a life of people pleasing. But if we live a life to please Him, we can live at peace. We can live a life without worry or stress - a life of freedom, joy and peace!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church
c 803-448-5699


Below are some scriptures regarding pleasing God:

Proverbs 29:25

25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

Colossians 3:23-24

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Galatians 1:10

10Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Acts 4:19-20
19But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. 20For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."

Acts 5:27-32

27Having brought the apostles, they made them appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 28"We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood."

29Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men! 30The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead—whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. 31God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. 32We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him."

Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting

Next Saturday, December 5th, is the Denver, NC Christmas Event.

We are one of the sponsors for this event and are believing for many people to be touched with the gospel along with some divine connections. We are currently putting an entry in the parade along with having a some of our musicians play/sing for the tree lighting entertainment.

We can use some help:

1. Much prayer. We are hoping there are 10,000 plus people out at this community event. That means many lives to share the love of Jesus with!

2. Parade entry - we still need some to help with the parade entry, especially a good handful to walk with us to hand out t-shirts, candy canes and wristbands. Our goal is at least 100 t shirts, 1000 candy canes and 200 wristbands. But if we have more people to help, we can do many more.

3. Just yesterday, I recieved information that sponsors of the event have the opportunity to set up a booth (table) at the Tree Lighting Ceremony. If we have enough people, we can do this as well. This would be another great opportunity.

4. Financial Partership. It is costing us well over a $1000 to do everything we are doing. Basically, that is a lot of money for a new church! We know He has all the resources. But He works through us!

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, thank you for all of your prayers, support and encouragement!

Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, we would like to thank everyone for your many prayers, support and encouragement. Melissa and I know that there is so much more in store for us and New Destiny. He is in control. He has great God size dreams coming our way that He is preparing us for. We are so excited and filled with expectancy. I am so thankful for where God has brought me from and where He is taking us to! It is for such a time as this....for as we know, This Changes Everything! (2 Corinthians 5:17)


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church
c 803-448-5699

Here are just a few scriptures regarding being thankful:

Psalm 106
1 Praise the LORD.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

Psalm 118
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

Philippians 4:4-6

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Philemon 1:4-8 (New International Version)

Thanksgiving and Prayer

4I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. 6I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. 7Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.

2 Thessalonians 1:3-4

3We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. 4Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give thanks! Philippians 4:4-13

Philippians 4:4-13 (New International Version)

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Thanks for Their Gifts

10I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


I am currently sitting in a hospital room while my wife Melissa recovers from surgery. Praise God the surgery went well and she should have a quick recovery. Thank you to everyone for you prayers, visits, phone calls and support. We appreciate it.

This passage is a powerful passage that helps us to understand to reflect, rejoice and be thankful. It is so easy to get caught up in the stresses of life or at times feel we deserve something. But The Word says to Rejoice! to be Thankful! When we truly reflect about our lives, we can see we have so much to be thankful for.

I am very thankful for a sweet compassionate loving wife. Melissa is my best friend and a gift from God! We our both thankful that God has supplied us financially to pay off all of our debt. We give thanks for a wonderful family and also the call of God, especially to plant New Destiny Community Church and reach our community for Jesus!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting - Dec 5th

Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting - Dec 5, 2009

Be praying as we take part in this exciting community event.

1. New Destiny is one of the sponsors for this event. Be looking for us in flyers and other advertisements.
2. We plan to place an entry in the parade. Along with the entry in the parade, we plan to give out over a 100 New Destiny? t shirts, over a 1000 candy canes with candy cane tracts and possibly give out 200 wristbands!
3. We plan to be part of the music for the Tree Lighting and awards ceremony.

We appreciate all your prayers and support. We are believing for incredible God ordained connections that turn our community to Jesus! Remember, Jesus changes lives!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Destiny Service - November 22nd

Looking for an annointed time in God's presence!
5:30 pm - food
6pm - service
Come as we will have a special time celebrating and giving thanks for all of God's blessings...
We are having a simple supper of cold cut sandwiches, veggies and chips as our meal. If you are able to bring anything, just let us know! The place to be to end your weekend and start your week is Sunday Night Live - New Destiny.

Pastor Mike
c 803-448-5699

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Holiday Dinner Outreach - December 4th (Friday)

We have the opportunity this year to provide a Holiday Dinner/program to men at a local prison. We will be serving Turkey, Ham, powdered drink (lemonade, kool-aid, etc) side dishes, rolls, and dessert. If you can provide food or financial gift to help us purchase food, please let us know. If you go to LWCA, please contact Scott or Wanda Vernon. Otherwise, please let me know what you can bring and how much. I will also give more details... desserts need to be pre-cut, no glass containers.

We also need about to 20 people total to go with us to help serve and to give testimony, sing or help with program in some way.


Mike Teeter

c 803-448-5699

Thanksgiving Jail Outreach

On Thanksgiving night, I along with many other volunteers will be going into the local jail to provide pie and a Thanksgiving message. We have volunteered at least 20 pies and we need 2 liters of soda as well. If you can help provide some pies or 2 liters please let me know.


Mike Teeter
c 803-448-5699

Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Destiny Community Church update

Melissa and I would like to thank Pastor Gunn and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly for everything– how you have been such a blessing to us. We know God has so much for us and for New Destiny Community Church. LWCA has blessed us and poured into our lives and we are thankful.

We would like to give an update:
• New Destiny Community Church is an officially AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church has its own bank account.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• On June 20th, we had our first launch team meeting in our home. Three families were represented. In the last few months, we had been meeting bi weekly and just recently we began to meet most weeks. We know God knows who is to team up with us as we continue this journey.
• This past August, I was blessed to go to General Council and be at Church Planting Seminar/luncheon.
• North Carolina District had a Church Planter retreat this past August 14 & 15 headed by Church Planting Director Jim Kelly. Melissa and I were blessed to take part and meet many other church planters around North Carolina.
• In July, we ministered at Kershaw Men’s Prison twice. Scott Vernon has answered The Call to lead the Ministry of Kershaw Men’s Prison with me and be the Contact/Leader at LWCA as Melissa and I transition to New Destiny. We led a large group July 25th with John Perkins leading worship. Over 20 made decisions for Jesus in July!
• Melissa has been holding a women’s Bible Study on Monday Nights over the last few months.
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 10 families/ministries give financial support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks.
• Melissa and I have visited 13 local churches on Wednesday/Sundays to fellowship/meet other ministers over the last 8 months.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC.
• We applied for STL grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• We applied for NC District Endowment. This has been approved per church planting director Jim Kelly. Thank you NC District and Church Planting Director Jim Kelly!
• Received information from East Lincoln High School regarding renting facility. We are looking at this possibility initially and then possibly renting store front.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach.
• In May and then again in September, I met with Rev. Randall Rogers from NC District regarding Financial/Legal/Administrative issues in planting a church. I was given much wise counsel and resources (manuals). We have continued to stay in contact via phone and email.
- In September, we had the opportunity to be a part of the Denver Days festival. Our worship team, led by Carey Sisk played for Gospel Night of Denver Days on the Wednesday Night and then we had a vendor booth set up for the festival on the Friday night and Saturday.
- Over the last couple of months, we have given out over a 150 New Destiny? t-shirts. We are thankful to the many people who gave toward Denver Days (including t-shirts).
- This past week, we recieved our incorporation documentation. New Destiny is now a non profit - incorporation!
- In December, we plan to help with the Denver Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting. We already registered to be one of the event sponsors.
- Just recently, we began to advertise in the news@lakenorman newspaper.
- We plan to apply for AG Matching Grant in next couple of weeks.
Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). In the next few weeks, we plan to begin to set more detailed timeline for public launch (renting a facility). New Destiny needs help to continue to launch healthily and effectively. We know God is our source. He knows those who are to team up with us. He has all the resources and finances. He knows those we are to reach. It is all for Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and LWCA. We appreciate you being our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

Church address:
New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Call to Persevere! (devotional)

November 3, 2009

The Call to Persevere!


Leviticus 26:3 - 5

3 " 'If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, 4 I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit. 5 Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land.

God is so good to us! He has dreams, huge plans, blessings and a harvest for us. I get full of excitement of how God is preparing New Destiny Community Church. But at the same time I often begin to think of how I would like to see the full blue print with all the details. Or the full movie script in detail rather than just the movie trailer. But God would tell us to trust Him. He wants us to lay all fear and everything that would keep us from walking in faith and trust in Him down at His feet.

Often when we do not think any fruit is coming from our labors, God is growing and preparing us. When seeds are planted (properly), we will see a harvest.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Destiny Community Church Bulletin November 1, 2009

Sunday Night Live - Sunday, November 1, 2009

Shout outs (testimonies):

*Last night was the last night of The Helloween Outreach, an incredible walk through drama at First Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC. It was truly a blessing to see so many lives brough to Jesus. Last night there were 39 that made salvation decisions and 198 total made decisions at Helloween 2009. Praise God!


5:30pm - food
6pm - service
Message - The Call to Persevere!


*Financial Partners - reminder that you are welcome and encouraged to begin to give financially to New Destiny. Please see recent previous blog for more details.

Kershaw Holiday Dinner - Friday, December 4th. We will be providing a Holiday Dinner to 170 people and doing a Holiday Program. We need much help, especially in providing plenty of food. Last year was our first year of handling one of the dinners. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. Please see me for more information. If you attend Lake Wylie Christian Assembly, please see Scott or Wanda Vernon.

Denver NC Christmas Parade/Tree lighting - We are one of the sponsors for this first annual holiday celebration in Denver, NC. This is an incredible opportunity for us as a church to minister and be a part of our community. We can put a float in the parade, volunteer to help, or offer ways to serve.

Other news:
1. New Destiny Community Church will now have an advertisement in the news@lakenorman. The ad should start this week!

2. We now have over 150 new destiny? t shirts handed out. Pray for God's favor and anointing upon each person as the wear one of the shirts and upon those who see the shirts.

3. I am currently working on the matching grant and should the required information sent to Springfield, MO soon.

Melissa and I thank everyone for all your financial support, encouragement and prayers. We know God has so much more and we are excited for all He is getting ready to do.


Mike Teeter

c 803-448-5699
Future events:

Preview service - coming soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pastor Mike and Melissa Teeter (bio)

Pastor Mike Teeter is the Lead & Teaching Pastor at New Destiny Community Church. He has had multiple roles at different churches from an early age. Pastor Mike studied at Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL and then upon graduation went on to pursue local church ministry. He has ten years experience in youth ministry as a Youth Pastor and youth leader with strong emphasis in outreach and evangelism as well as discipleship. Most recently he was the Interim Lead Pastor at York Cornerstone Church along with being director of Jail and Prison Ministries at Lake Wylie Christian Assembly. Pastor Mike's strengths are in evangelism, sharing the love of Jesus and reaching people for Him and also training people to fully walk in their gifts.

Pastor Mike has many interests and one of the biggest being his sweet wife Melissa. In September 2005 they met and soon fell in love. A year later they were married. Pastor Mike also enjoys sports, especially playing softball and watching the Miami Dolphins and Orlando Magic. But Pastor Mike's highest interest is preaching, studying the word of God, sharing his faith in Jesus and seeing God transform lives!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Financial Partners - New Destiny

As we have been going forward with the Journery of New Destiny Community Church, we have had many ask about supporting financially. On behalf of New Destiny, I do want to thank everyone who has already given. We have had several churches and many individuals give. The North Carolina District and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly (parent church) covers and guides us. Both have graciously given financially to help New Destiny answer the call in reaching people for Jesus in this community. Melissa and I also have a Church Planting coach that helps guide as well.

It takes financial resouces to do ministry, especially when starting a church. There are many start up costs to launch effectively. We can use many more financial partners to rise up and assist as we continue this journey. If you can give on a regular basis for the next year (or whatever time frame), please just send an email or note to let us a know. Or feel free to give as you are able.

If you attend a different church, we encourage you to give your tithe to that church. But for those that do join up with New Destiny, we encourage to shift your financial support to New Destiny.

FYI - we are applying for a matching grant that will match our giving up to $30,000.

Please make any checks out to New Destiny Community Church


Mike Teeter

c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Sunday Night Live bulletin October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25, 2009

Shout out some praise (testimonies):

Helloween - Wow! Helloween is an incredible drama outreach put on by 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC. I have been playing a part in one scene most nights and Melissa helped in the prayer room last night. There were over 20 decisions last night and close to 100 since last week. If you get a chance, visit Helloween and take someone that needs Jesus!

Debt Free - I am now driving my own car (not the Credit Union's)! This past Friday Melissa and I paid off my car. We are now debt free! (Ok, just the house left.)

Tonight: A Call to Persevere! Heb 10
5:30pm - food (subs)
6pm - service

We need to continue to examine our lives as we go forward with New Destiny Community Church. God has huge incredible things ahead. But He is starting in us. I challenge all of us to examine our lives. Is there anything we are holding back? Have we given everything to Jesus? Are we trusting and walking in faith?

God is good and as Phil 1:6 say,"being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."

Future dates:

November 1 - Sunday Night Live (New Destiny)

tentative Pre - launch service - Nov 22

December 4th (Friday)- Holiday Dinner Outreach @ Kershaw Men's Prison

December 5th (Saturday)- Denver NC Christmas Parade and Christmas Tree lighting

December 6th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Men's Prison Chapel Service

Coming in 2010:

New Destiny Community Church Grand Opening service

Discipleship Walk

and more to come....


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

c 803-448-5699

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Night Live - tonight (October 18) Bulletin

Tonight: 1 Cor 4
5:30 pm - food (soup)
6 pm- service

*Did you get your New Destiny? t-shirt yet? If not, please let met know. We will be glad to give them out while supplies last (for free). For those who have asked, we are not charging. But if you want to cover costs, they cost around $5 each.

*This past Tuesday, I had the honor of spending time with a veteran church planter - Pastor Turner, my college roommate from Southeastern University John Gowie, and his God daughter. I appreciate and am thankful for the time. They shared a wealth of knowledge from their experiences of church planting. We also put together 40 gift bags and gave them out in the Denver, NC community. Please be in prayer for those who recieved these gift bags.

*If you have not heard, 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC is currently holding their annual Helloween Outreach. It is a walk-through drama confronting many of the issues teens and young adults face and offers hope through Jesus Christ. The church puts an all-out focus effort for this outreach that has affected lives for eternity. During the first 2 nights there have been over 50 decisions for Jesus! I have had the opportunuty to volunteer and assist this season. Come and check it out!

November - thanksgiving outreach

Thanksgiving Night - Moss Justice Jail Outreach

December 4 - Kershaw Men's Prison
Holiday Dinner Outreach
December 5 - Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
New Destiny plans to sponsor
December 6 - Kershaw Men's Prison
- Sunday Morning Chapel

*We plan to have our first monthly pre launch service in Denver NC within the next month. Please pray for God's wisdom as we look to finding a place to use in Denver NC.

On behalf of New Destiny, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, financial partnership and support. Thank you.


Mike Teeter

c 704-947-3829
h 803-448-5699

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kershaw Men's Prison - Holiday Dinner (December 4)

Last year, we had the opportunity to host one of the Holiday Dinners at Kershaw Men's Prison. There were at least 5 churches teamed up together to provide food and other resources helping to feed 170 men and present a program of music, testimonies and The Word! Many men were touched and blessed by the delicious food, ministry and love they recieved.

This year we are excited to have the opportunity again to hold one of the dinners on Friday night, December 4th. It will take much help, resources and people to make this year's outreach a success. If you can provide food (or financial donation to buy food) or would like to come, please contact myself or Scott Vernon. Last year we had 14 people come and help the of this outreach. It took all this and more to feed this many people with a nice dinner and hold a Holiday progam. Also, please be in prayer for this night and the ministry at Kershaw.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Night Live Bulletin October 4, 2009

Tonight: Continue Sermon Series on "This Changes Everything!"

*Reminder that we tweaked the Sunday Night Live schedule to:

5:30 pm - food and fellowship (Lasagna)
6:00 pm - Church

*We had an incredible time out at Denver Days (see previous Blog). But because of the weather, we have many T Shirts left, candy and balloons. Therefore, we will be looking at an outreach we can assist with or do within next month. We are thankful for the many contacts we did make at Denver Days. Over the past week, we sent follow up letters and/or emails from the information cards we recieved from the drawing. Also, 2 gift cards that were drawn from the info cards have been mailed and this coming week I plan to set up to meet the guy who won the Drill.

Our prayer is that New Destiny will be famous in making Jesus famous! We know He is up to something in our lives and up to something incredible in Denver/West Lake Norman.

Upcoming dates:

October 11th (Sunday Night) @ from 6:30pm - 8:30pm (Kershaw, SC)
Kershaw Men's Prison - Volunteer Appreciation Program
**please let me know by Monday, October 5 if you would like to join us.**

October 18th Sunday Night Live @ Pastor Mike and Melissa's home
5:30 pm food
6:00 pm service

December 4th - Kershaw Holiday Dinner
Last year, we networked with many churches to hold a holiday dinner program for around 170 people at Kershaw Men's Prison. This was an amazing time of sharing God's love. We saw first hand how some good food opens hearts!

December 5th - Denver, NC parade and Christmas Tree Lighting Ceramony

December 6th - Kershaw Men's Prison (morning Chapel)

Keep praying as New Destiny Community Church continues to amp up to regular weekly ministry. We are currently looking for the right door to open for a place to meet in the Denver, NC area.

Our mission and heart continues to be a church that grows together while we know and fall more in love with Jesus and take His love to our community.

In Christ,

Pastor Mike

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Denver Days Praise!

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who has helped us in making Denver Days a success! We know there were so many who partnered financially, prayed for us and kept us in your thoughts.

Thank you to all those who took part in Gospel Night with Carey Sisk leading. I know it was many nights of practice. I heard many compliments of how well the band sounded. We appreciate all who joined with us to rock out Gospel Night! We believe as more hear about New Destiny they will know we sound great and there is something different about us - God's presence and annointing!

Also, I would like to thank my old college roommate John Gowie and his wife Gina for coming from Greensboro, NC to help as well. John is a master balloon artist and even on a drizzly Friday night, we had many coming for a balloon creation!

We thank God for many contacts that were made(in the midst of the rain!) and all the opportunities to minister. God has so much for New Destiny Community Church!


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church

Next Service / Sunday Night Live - Oct 4

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Denver Days (Denver NC)

Melissa and I are full of excitement as we continue on this amazing journey as Church Planters! We know God has so much for us and New Destiny Community Church. We are having our first September meeting tomorrow. May God feel the place with is mighty prsence and anointing. May no one leave the service the same!

Months ago, we believed that we were to be a part of Denver Days (festival) in Denver, NC. It is now fast approaching us, September 23 - 26.

On September 23, the New Destiny Worship Team, led by Carey Sisk, will be playing for Gospel Night of Denver Days. Many church groups will be playing that night. Our team is scheduled to play @ 6:15pm. Come out, support our group, and join us in worship!

New Destiny is also one of the sponsors of Denver Days (Friend of Denver Days). We will have a booth at Denver Days on Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26. We plan to have a drawing (prize to be determined), t-shirt give away, hard candy, ND business cards and postcards, balloon creations and more! Yesterday I picked up the T-shirts and just over a week ago picked up two banners (see picture on top of this blog).

We need much help with finalizing all the details to have this outreach be a success:
1. we need people volunteer to help with set up, manning the booth and tear down.
2. if you can, please help with donating candy, nice white long tables, nice prizes for the drawing or financial donation to off set the cost.
3. please pray, this is of the utmost importance for us to have God's favor and wisdom.

We at New Destiny know God has divine God moment appointments that He has set up during this time with Denver Days.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Bulletin

Melissa and I are excited to be having the 4th New Destiny meeting tonight at our home from 6 - 8pm. We are believing for a powerful anointed time together. We are having food and fellowship, music, The Word, Prayer and planning for upcoming events.

Tonight's message: God is Bigger II! Numbers 13 and 14

Upcoming dates:

September 13 and 20: New Destiny @ Pastor Mike and Melissa's home

September 23 - 26th - Denver Days
September 23 - Gospel Night
Vendor Set up - September September 25/26

September 27th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Prison Outreach

October 25th (Sunday Night) from 6 - 7:30pm
Projected New Destiny Preview Service


New Destiny Needs:

*Prayers: there is no power without prayer. Please keep Melissa and I, as well as New Destiny in prayer.
*New Destiny launch team: if you are interested in helping or know of others, please spread the word about New Destiny. Melissa and I know God has the right people to team up with New Destiny.
*Financial Partners: **ND plans to apply for matching grant.**
1. we need those who would give on a regular bases to help ND succeed. Giving can be directly to ND (we have a bank account) or through NC District.
2. those who are led to give on a one time donation.

Current specific needs:
1. Denver Days - estimated costs $2500 (for application fee, balloons, pens, canopy,banners, t shirts, hard candy, etc)
2. Sound Equipment/media - estimated retail costs $13,000.

Melissa and I thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, time, financial parnterships - for everything. Together we can reach Denver NC.


Pastor Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

home: 704-947-3829
Cell: 803-448-5699

fyi - posted this video in May. Check it out:


Friday, August 21, 2009

Our first community outreach - East Lincoln High School

We at New Destiny Community Church believe in not just being part of a community, but in reaching out and finding ways to show we care. Schools have recently had many budget cuts and some lay offs in the area. A couple of months ago, we felt compelled to reach out to a local school. Also, we felt led to reach out the teachers and staff. So, this past Wednesday (August 19) we went to East Lincoln High School with supplies teachers may be able to use as well as care bags. Each care bag had chocolate chip cookies, candy and note from New Destiny. Carey and Erik Sisk were able to go with me that morning. When we arrived, by God's favor we were able to put each Care Bag into the staff mail boxes. We pray God will protect, guide and give wisdom to East Lincoln High School teachers and staff. Thank you to all who helped make this outreach happen.

here is the message we had on the cards:

We appreciate and thank all the teachers and staff for your hard work and dedication. We are praying for you as you start this new school year. Blessings, New Destiny

Melissa and I thank everyone who continues to pray, support and believe in us and New Destiny. We know He has so much more for us.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699


reminder: next New Destiny is August 30

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Contact information - New Destiny Community Church

Mailing address:

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037


Pastor Mike's Cell: 803-448-5699
email: pastormteeter@hotmail.com


currently meeting bi weekly at:

7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Isaiah 43:18 New Thing

Melissa and I are thankful and so very blessed. We know that without Him, we can't make it and will be limited. But with Him, all things are possible for us and New Destiny!

Isaiah 43:18, 19 says,"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

What is amazing, is that God takes someone who is a nobody and makes them into someone because of Him. Often we are looking for a person who is a diamond or Eagle already, perfected and priceless. But see God is looking for our availibility and our heart.

1 Samuel 16:7 it says,"Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

When God was looking to anoint a king, he chose David for his heart. There are people who have been in a desert wasteland feeling like they have no hope. Maybe that is you right now. At times, we may have all felt that way. But God would speak it today that He is making a way in our lives. As we rise up and give all to Him, we begin to soar like an eagle (see previous blog - Isaiah 40:31) and take shape like a diamond. We are priceless and full of the desire to soar! Too often in our lives, we hold back and play it safe. We do what we know we can do. God would speak to step out in faith, to begin to see as God sees.

New Destiny Community Church will gladly welcome diamonds - those soaring like eagles. We need them as we are launching forth. But also, God has birthed us to be a church that sees each person that we come upon through God's eyes. He sees all the potential. He sees all the gifts. God sees our pains, desires, hopes and dreams. He wants to do a New Thing in us! As you read this blog, God is speaking forth in our lives. He is speaking to you and I to not live a life of limits, but to live limitless and full of dreams.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church
h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thank you Pastor Jim Kelly and Superintendent Charles Kelly

Melissa and I just returned from an amazing Church Planter Retreat in Raleigh, North Carolina. While I was in Orlando, FL for General Council, I saw a statistic that North Carolina District was 3rd in the nation for planting churches. North Carolina District is 1st among English Districts (1st and 2nd are Spanish Districts).

Melissa and I know that it comes ultimately by the call of God and His Wisdom in planting a church. But we do understand it helps to have some support - pillars to guide you. We are thankful for Superintendent Charles Kelly and North Carolina District Church Planter Director Jim Kelly, both men of God who are devoted to training up leaders and multiplying churches that will further the Kingdom! These men have been an asset to me and my wife. We believe the North Carolina District of the Assemblies of God will continue to grow in the area of planting churches. It was exciting to see many pastors that are planting churches in the Charlotte, NC area. Thank you to the North Carolina District and all who were involved in putting together this powerful Church Planting Retreat.


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

home 704-947-3829
cell 803-448-5699


home address:

7850 Bud Henderson Road
Huntersville, NC 28078

Church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Destiny - August 2009 Update

August 9, 2009

Melissa and I are thankful for the many who are supporting us and New Destiny Community Church (of Denver, NC). We know we are so very blessed.

We would like to give an update:
* New Destiny has now had two meetings, each at our home. We have had 6 families represented and the second meeting saw an increase in attendance. Our meetings incorporate fellowship, planning, worship, Bible study, and prayer. Later this month we plan on meeting bi-weekly, focusing on upcoming community outreach events.
* New Destiny now has a website: newdestinydenver.org We will continue to work on sub pages for the website as we go forward on the journey.
* I was able to attend General Council in Orlando FL. The Church Multiplication Network of AG informed Church Planters that anyone who stopped by their booth at GC would receive a refund of registration! Praise God.
*While at General Council, I was able to attend two luncheon seminars: Discipleship Banquet with guest speaker coach Tony Dungy and then Church Multiplication Network. The CMN luncheon was especially informative and helpful as we go forward with New Destiny. I was able to hear 4 different pastors testify about their experiences in Church Planting - simply amazing how God worked through each situation.
• New Destiny Community Church is an official AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• North Carolina District is having a Church Planter retreat August 14 & 15 headed by Church Planting Director Jim Kelly. Melissa and I plan to attend this retreat.
• Melissa is having a women’s Bible Study on Monday Nights.
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 7 individual/families give personal financial support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks. We updated the blog 5 times in July and once in August.
• Melissa and I have visited 10 local churches on Wednesday/Sundays to fellowship/meet other ministers over the last 5 months.
• Twice I have met with the pastor from Stonehill Community Church (AG) in Huntersville NC. On Sunday May 31, I preached while the pastor was out of town. I have continued to stay in contact with this pastor.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC.
• We have applied for STL grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• Recently, we applied for NC District Endowment (possible $5000). This has been approved (per church planting director Jim Kelly) and funds will be released once New Destiny gets further along with Core Group/Launch Team.
• Received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees (see attached). Indication is would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserving months at time. Another option is to see of store fronts would cut a deal since market is slow right now.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach.
• In the next couple of weeks, we plan to do a back to school outreach to a local Denver, NC school focusing on appreciating and helping teachers.
* In September, New Destiny plans to be a part of Denver Days. This is an annual seasonal festival in Denver, NC. We have submitted an application for a prime location booth and are actively planning outreach strategies for this event.

Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). It is all about Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and LWCA. We appreciate you as our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance. We would like to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

Church address:
New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Destiny Denver NC contact information & Orlando 09

Thank you to all of our friends, family and everyone who are supporting New Destiny Community Church (Denver, NC). Melissa and I are excited for all God is doing through us as we continue on the journey of church planting. I am missing my sweet wife Melissa as I am in Orlando FL. She was unable to get the time off work. But I am thankful God blessed me to be able to be at General Council of the Assemblies of God/Youth Fine Arts. It has only been a couple of days and God has already done an awesome work here in my home town.

Last night we attended an incredible Youth Service with thousands of Students. Jeff Deyo led worship and Pastor Vega brought an awesome message. Also, during worship I saw one of our students (from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly) Matthew Carico on the big screen numerous times as we were in a time of worship. Way to go Matthew to be right up front!!

Today, we saw some incredible fine arts students and Kayla Duran from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly recieved a Superior with Honors score (highest rating)! Way to bring it Kayla Duran with your short sermon. We are proud of all of our students from LWCA. As New Destiny Community Church moves forward, we plan to take part in exciting events such as General Council and Fine Arts.

Continue to pray for Melissa and I.


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

New Destiny website: newdestinydenver.org

church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037

home address:
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville NC 28078

email: pastormteeter@hotmail.com

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kershaw Outreaches - update (Prison Ministry)

The process of planting a church requires the letting go of some things, even some ministry. As Melissa and I realized we were being released from our church and starting on the journey of planting New Destiny, we knew someone needed to step up at LWCA in leadership as Men's Prison Ministry Leader. Amazingly, God comes through everytime we call out to Him.

In November 2008, Scott Vernon from LWCA approached me about being a part of the team that provided the Holiday Dinner outreach to Kershaw Men's Prison in December 2008. It was an incredible night in which we fed over 200 men and saw 6 make decisions for Jesus.

Since that time, Scott gave an amazing testimony in March of how God has called him to Prison / Jail Ministry. A few weeks ago, Scott joined me on short notice for a Saturday Chapel Service. We saw 21 men come to Jesus that night.

Thank you Scott for answering The Call.


Mike Teeter

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Destiny Bulletin July 19, 2009

Melissa and I are excited to be having the 2nd New Destiny meeting tonight at our home from 6 - 7:30pm. We are believing for a powerful anointed time together. We are having food and fellowship, music, The Word, Prayer and planning for upcoming events.

July 19th message: Soaring like Eagles! Isa 40:31

Upcoming dates:

July 25th (Saturday) - Kershaw Prison Outreach
John Perkins leading worship

July 31st - Denver Days Application Deadline

August 1st - 8th: Pastor Mike in Orlando, FL for National Conference
August 6th - Church Planter Luncheon (Orlando, FL)

August 14th/15th - Pastor Mike and Melissa attending North Carolina Church Planter Retreat
Raleigh Community Church - led by North Carolina Church Planter Director

August 16th - New Destiny Meeting @ PMike and Melissa's home from 6 - 7:30pm

**Back to School Outreach** August 2009 - end of month (exact date to be determined)

August 30th - New Destiny Meeting

September 23 - 26th - Denver Days
Vendor Set up - September September 25/26

September 27th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Prison Outreach

October 25th (Sunday Night) from 6 - 7:30pm
New Destiny Preview Service


New Destiny Needs:

*Prayers: there is no power without prayer. Please keep Melissa and I, as well as New Destiny in prayer.
*New Destiny launch team: if you are interested in helping or know of others, please spread the word about New Destiny. Melissa and I know God has the right people to team up with New Destiny.
*Financial Partners: **ND plans to apply for matching grant.**
1. we need those who would give on a regular bases to help ND succeed. Giving can be directly to ND (we have a bank account) or through NC District.
2. those who are led to give on a one time donation.

Current specific needs:
1. Denver Days - estimated costs $1000 (for application fee, balloons, pens, canopy, etc)
2. Sound Equipment/media - estimated retail coasts $13,000.

Melissa and I thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, time, financial parnterships - for everything. Together we can reach Denver NC.


Pastor Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

home: 704-947-3829
Cell: 803-448-5699

fyi - posted this video in May. Check it out:


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you ready?

This past Friday, I recieved a call from Kershaw Men's Prison asking if I could come to chapel and minister for Saturday, July 11th as there was a cancellation. I thought for just a moment, then said to myself "I am Ready"! I made a short list of those I thought would be ready and made a few calls. Then I returned the call to the Chaplain and advised that Scott and I could go.

I certainly understand we have schedules and sometimes we just need to rest. But are we walking and living for the Lord in such a way that we a ready to minister at all times? That our Christian walk is not only at church or around Christians/church people, but in all areas of our lives? That we are ready to testify about what He has done in our lives?

Recently, I have been studying Isa 40:31 - soar on wings as Eagles! This scripture and the application of it is amazing. Eagles have incredible eyesight. They can be high in the air and look down at the surface of a lake. When we may see boats on the water, people swimming and other things on the surface - eagles see below the surface. When we begin to soar like Eagles, we see beyond the surface of our situation. We see below the surface of what is going on in peoples' lives. God gives us eyes as Eagles. This is just one point of what God gave me to share this past Saturday. Prior to me preaching, Scott gave a powerful testimony.

I praise God, for He showed up and touched many hearts. There were 21 repentative decisions for Jesus! We also prayed for many other men for other needs. We thank Him for the opportunity. Through this experience, God proved to me once again that it is all about Him!


Pastor Mike

Next Scheduled Prison date - July 25th
*John Perkins is leading worship*

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July Update

July 11, 2009

Pastor Gunn and LWCA:

Melissa and I would like to thank you for everything – how you have been such a blessing to us. Over the last few months God has done wonders in our lives. We are walking in greater Joy, greater Peace and flowing in His anointing in a deeper way. We live and walk in The Spirit of God knowing there are divine appointments all around us and ministry is every where we are. We know God has so much for us and for New Destiny Community Church. LWCA has blessed us and poured into our lives and we are thankful.

We would like to give an update:
• New Destiny Community Church is an officially AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• On June 20th, we had our first launch team meeting in our home. Three families were represented. Next week we plan to have a 2nd launch team meeting at our home. Many more have expressed interest in coming. We know God knows who is to team up with us.
• I am planning to go to General Council and be at Church Planting Seminar/luncheon.
• North Carolina District is having a Church Planter retreat August 14 & 15 headed by Church Planting Director Jim Kelly. Melissa and I plan to attend this retreat.
• Tonight, we are ministering at Kershaw Men’s Prison. Scott Vernon has answered The Call to lead the Ministry of Kershaw Men’s Prison with me and be the Contact/Leader at LWCA as Melissa and I transition to New Destiny. We are leading a larger group July 25th with John Perkins leading worship.
• Melissa is beginning a women’s Bible Study on Monday Nights.
• Today, I am meeting with Chaplain/Pastor Kris from River's Edge Church, Davidson North Carolina
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 7 individual/families give personal financial support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks. We updated the blog 2 times in June and once in July already.
• Melissa and I have visited 8 local churches on Wednesday/Sundays to fellowship/meet other ministers over the last 5 months.
• Twice I have met with the pastor from Stonehill Community Church (AG) in Huntersville NC. On Sunday May 31, I preached while the pastor was out of town. I have continued to stay in contact with this pastor.
• We gave volunteer/intern information to the 2 seminaries in Charlotte. This information has been posted to share with students with these seminaries.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC.
• Recently, we applied for STL grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• Recently, we applied for NC District Endowment (possible $5000). This has been approved (per church planting director Jim Kelly) and funds will be released once New Destiny gets further along with Core Group/Launch Team.
• Received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees (see attached). Indication is would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserving months at time. Another option is to see of store fronts would cut a deal since market is slow right now.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach: Pastor Rex Bornman from United Faith AG. We met 3 times in June.
• In May I met with Rev. Randall Rogers from NC District regarding Financial/Legal/Administrative issues in planting a church. I was given much wise counsel and resources (manuals).
Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). In the next few weeks, we plan to begin to have core/launch team meetings. New Destiny needs help to launch healthy and effectively. We know God is our source. He knows those who are to team up with us. He has all the resources and finances. He knows those we are to reach. It is all for Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and LWCA. We appreciate you being our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

Church address:
New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our First Ministry!

For the last couple of days, Melissa and I have been in Boone, NC spending time together nurturing our relationship. New Destiny Community Church is very important to both of us and we are excited about all He has for us and this community. We enjoy the ministry and The Call of God! But we know The Call starts in our home first. Over the last few months, God has taken me to a higher level of joy, service and favor -- in the home first. Often I make the bed before Melissa gets home from work and put some candles out upstairs. She seldom has to put gas in her car - yes, I believe in doing that for her and recently I've been training her to allow me to open her car door. Each morning I kiss her on the cheek and tell her I love her -- woman of God. I love Melissa. My wife and best friend.

For the last couple of days, I surprised sweet Melissa with a Bed and Breakfast getaway. This summer I have been working required overtime at work, we both have been working on New Destiny, and we've participated in several fun family commitments. So, we are thankful we had the opportunity to Celebrate Marriage! Actually a guest asked us why we came this weekend and I stated, "to celebrate marriage". They thought we were celebrating anniversary, but Melissa explained we just were celebrating because we love our marriage!

My desire as New Destiny Community Church grows is to lead by example - to be the greatest servant in our church. And it starts in the home - to be the greatest servant in my home.

Men, how about it? Are we rising up as Men of God? Men of God on our jobs, communities and most importantly - in our homes?

As the Word says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

Upcoming dates:
July 19 - New Destiny Launch Team Meeting
July 27 - Kershaw Men's Prison Outreach

803-448-5699 cell
704-947-3829 home

church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037


home address:

7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville NC 28078

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We are thrilled that you have taken time to check us out. New Destiny is an upbeat casual church in Denver, NC. We officially started in April 2009 as a new church plant with great vision and dreams from the Lord. Now we are growing as a group of Christ-followers on the journey together to engage God and others. We truly believe that when God gets involved, the landscape of our friends, communities, and nations will be transformed.
Our Strategy
Our plan is to impact people one life at a time through personal relationships. We want to develop community with God and one another within our workplaces, neighborhoods, schools – wherever we live life day to day.
The most important thing we do is gather in Small Groups for the purpose of relationship, community, outreach, and growth. We also believe it is important for us to gather weekly for worship and celebration. Our Sunday Celebration Service will use upbeat music, innovative media, and messages that apply to everyday life.
God is a God of transformation, and we believe that this extends to our community as well. We want to positively impact the community in such a way that we would be missed if we were gone. To make this reality, we are strategically seeking to match the passions of our people with the needs in our community.
Who We Are
New Destiny Community Church is a group of Christ-followers engaging God and others. Our passion is to partner with God as He transforms the landscape of friendships, communities, and nations. We desire to collaborate with churches to see every man, woman, and child both hear and see the gospel.
Isaiah 55, Matthew 22:36-40, 28:19-20

What We Value

Values tell what’s most important to us. Our priorities, treasures, and actions flow from our values. At New Destiny, we have identified the following values as both who we are and who we are striving to be.

Every believer should strive to be real with God and those they encounter.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. (John 4:23)

We value the privilege to express our love for Christ through our life actions.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. (Romans 12:1)

We believe that with salvation comes a new identity in Christ, and this new identity produces a transformed life with new treasures and habits.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Servant Leadership
We believe that each person should reflect Christ’s character of servant leadership. We believe that a team approach to service is more effective for accomplishing the vision.

Each one should use whatever he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10)

We encourage deep relationships that share life, respond to God’s grace, and grow toward Christ-likeness.

By this shall all men know that you are my disciples – that you have love for one another. (John 13:35)
We believe that all Christ-followers exert influence, and that impacting our friends, communities, and world is birthed out of a Christ-like compassion.
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known. (Ephesians 3:10)

We exist to:
…to reach people for Jesus Christ!
…to build sincere transparent relationships.
…to teach relevant authentic messages that transform lives!

We value:
• We value Jesus
• We value people
• We value change
• We value creativity and innovation
• We value relevance
• We value excellence
• We value small groups
• We value spiritual growth
• We value missions and outreach
Our core values:
1 WE BELIEVE...The Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.
2. WE BELIEVE...In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God's son Jesus was both human and divine.
3. WE BELIEVE...Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God Through 'Salvation' (accepting Christ's offer of forgiveness for sin).
4. WE BELIEVE...The Church has a Mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe 'the Church' is the Body of Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God's offer of redemption (regardless of religious denomination) through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ.

What is the mission?

New Destiny Community Church is committed to reaching the unchurched and over churched of the Denver / West Lake Norman area by serving the community, relevant creative teaching and genuine transparent relationships where Jesus Christ is priority and the gospel transforms lives.

The Ministry Model: How is New Destiny going to look in the next year or two? What is the basic model we expect to see?

1. Weekly Celebration Services: currently we plan to have Sunday services from 6:00 – 7:30pm.
2. Small Groups: we plan to have bi weekly home groups. We believe small group/home groups are vital to building true community and unity as we grow as believers.
3. Servant Evangelism: we plan to connect with our community and to do ongoing events that serve our community on at least a monthly basis.
4. New Destiny Breakthrough Prayer: we plan to have ongoing weekly prayer opportunities. But once a month we plan to have a focus night of prayer.
5. Outreaches: we plan to reach out to those in our community, state and the world.
6. Mission Trips: we plan to do regular (min of yearly) overseas and/or statewide mission trips.
7. Connection Events: Church can and should be fun! We plan to be a church that gives time for relaxing social fun times.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June Update and Thank you to LWCA

June 10, 2009

Melissa and I would like to thank Pastor Gunn and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly for all of their guidance, prayers, time and financial support. We know we would not be who we are today without all that we have gained from being at Lake Wylie Christian Assembly. We appreciate Pastor Gunn, LWCA leadership and the church body of LWCA.

We would like to give an update:
• New Destiny Community Church is an officially AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 5 individual/families give personal support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks. We updated the blog 3 times in May.
• Melissa and I have visited 6 local churches on Wednesday/Sunday nights to fellowship/meet other ministers.
• Twice in the last few weeks I have met with the pastor from Stonehill Community Church in Huntersville NC. On Sunday May 31, I preached while the pastor was out of town. Thank you Pastor Randy Hickman and Stonehill Community Church. It was a joy - blessing to minister at Stonehill.
• Recently, we gave volunteer/intern information to the 2 seminaries in Charlotte. This information has been posted to share with students with these seminaries.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC (children's ministry missions program).
• Recently, we applied for STL (Speed the Light - Youth Missions Program) grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• Recently, we applied for North Carolina District Endowment (possible $5000). This has been approved (per church planting director Jim Kelly) and funds will be released once New Destiny gets further along with Core Group/Launch Team.
• Received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees. Indication is would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserving months at time. Another option is to see of store fronts would cut a deal since market is slow right now.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach. We met 3 times in May.
• Last month I met with Rev. Randall Rogers from NC District regarding Financial/Legal/Administrative issues in planting a church. I was given much wise counsel and resources (manuels).

Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). In the next few weeks, we plan to begin to have core/launch team meetings. New Destiny needs help to launch healthy and effectively. We know God is our source. He knows those who are to team up with us. He has all the resources and finances. He knows those we are to reach. It is all for Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly. We appreciate you being our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address:
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC

Monday, May 25, 2009

God is Bigger!

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 13 & 14. We have an incredible leader in Moses. A promise from God of the fertile and free land of Canaan. We have 12 leaders sent out to spy the land, to report back with what they see in the land God has promised them. Allow me to pause and mention that if God says it is a promise from HIM - grab hold of it, fight for it, do whatever it takes. For certainly God's promises are worth every bit going after and believing in. We notice Moses sent leaders, people who had been around to see Moses lead and God work in their lives. Amazingly, even after many of us have seen God move and do the impossible, we still can get dormant or held up in fear or disbelief. God is Bigger than anything we go through. Believe in HIM!

All 12 spies came back from the land seeing the same thing: fertile land, fruit, lush gardens. They also saw the inhabitants of the land, intimidated by their size! But 10 of the spies reported to the people about how "we" could not conquer because of all the obstacles, because the inhabitants of the land were giants! They were full of fear. They were looking at what *they* could do.

In Numbers 13:30 Caleb stood up and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." Caleb remembered that God is on his side. It was not about all the obstacles. It was about we serve a Big God! A God that is Bigger than any financial situation, any job loss, any family situation - ANYTHING. Joshua and Caleb were ready to go forth no matter the obstacles. They knew the promise was from God.

Recently, I used a softball/baseball illustration to relate this story. I have played softball the last few years. I am a solid contact hitter. But before this current season I got together with a friend of mine to "get the rust off". Unbelievably I could not hit the ball. I was totally out of rhythm. It probably took 30 plus pitches and my friend coaching me to make some adjustments. But then I started hitting the ball and hitting it well. So far I am 12 for 16 for the season. There are some valuable lessons to learn from this softball illustration and how it relates to Caleb and Joshua. You see I know how I have hit in the past. The leaders in the 12 spies story were leaders for a reason. Think about, they were seasoned and knew how to do well in life. But to see God sized dreams and promises, we have to "Swing the Bat"! Once I swung, I received some coaching. You see, Joshua and Caleb had courage and were not bound by fear. They were ready to swing the bat.

God has a destiny - a New Destiny for us. Remember that God is Bigger. GO after His promises!


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037