Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Jail Ourtreach - praise report

This past Thursday, Scott Vernon and I along with many others had the opportunity to go into a local jail to share a Christmas program. We delivered some cookies and soda along with some gift bags the Chaplain had put together. I had the honor to present the Christmas message three times: once to a young man, then two other times to a small group of men. After sharing the Christmas story along with a short story - "Crippled Puppy"! The message stands true for eternity, Jesus came as the greatest gift of all, that we may be saved! After giving the invitation to come to Jesus, 12 men total raised their hands. Praise God for these 12 and so many others that have come to salvation this holiday season.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

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