Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Night Live - tonight (October 18) Bulletin

Tonight: 1 Cor 4
5:30 pm - food (soup)
6 pm- service

*Did you get your New Destiny? t-shirt yet? If not, please let met know. We will be glad to give them out while supplies last (for free). For those who have asked, we are not charging. But if you want to cover costs, they cost around $5 each.

*This past Tuesday, I had the honor of spending time with a veteran church planter - Pastor Turner, my college roommate from Southeastern University John Gowie, and his God daughter. I appreciate and am thankful for the time. They shared a wealth of knowledge from their experiences of church planting. We also put together 40 gift bags and gave them out in the Denver, NC community. Please be in prayer for those who recieved these gift bags.

*If you have not heard, 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC is currently holding their annual Helloween Outreach. It is a walk-through drama confronting many of the issues teens and young adults face and offers hope through Jesus Christ. The church puts an all-out focus effort for this outreach that has affected lives for eternity. During the first 2 nights there have been over 50 decisions for Jesus! I have had the opportunuty to volunteer and assist this season. Come and check it out!

November - thanksgiving outreach

Thanksgiving Night - Moss Justice Jail Outreach

December 4 - Kershaw Men's Prison
Holiday Dinner Outreach
December 5 - Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
New Destiny plans to sponsor
December 6 - Kershaw Men's Prison
- Sunday Morning Chapel

*We plan to have our first monthly pre launch service in Denver NC within the next month. Please pray for God's wisdom as we look to finding a place to use in Denver NC.

On behalf of New Destiny, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, financial partnership and support. Thank you.


Mike Teeter
c 704-947-3829
h 803-448-5699

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