Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you ready?

This past Friday, I recieved a call from Kershaw Men's Prison asking if I could come to chapel and minister for Saturday, July 11th as there was a cancellation. I thought for just a moment, then said to myself "I am Ready"! I made a short list of those I thought would be ready and made a few calls. Then I returned the call to the Chaplain and advised that Scott and I could go.

I certainly understand we have schedules and sometimes we just need to rest. But are we walking and living for the Lord in such a way that we a ready to minister at all times? That our Christian walk is not only at church or around Christians/church people, but in all areas of our lives? That we are ready to testify about what He has done in our lives?

Recently, I have been studying Isa 40:31 - soar on wings as Eagles! This scripture and the application of it is amazing. Eagles have incredible eyesight. They can be high in the air and look down at the surface of a lake. When we may see boats on the water, people swimming and other things on the surface - eagles see below the surface. When we begin to soar like Eagles, we see beyond the surface of our situation. We see below the surface of what is going on in peoples' lives. God gives us eyes as Eagles. This is just one point of what God gave me to share this past Saturday. Prior to me preaching, Scott gave a powerful testimony.

I praise God, for He showed up and touched many hearts. There were 21 repentative decisions for Jesus! We also prayed for many other men for other needs. We thank Him for the opportunity. Through this experience, God proved to me once again that it is all about Him!


Pastor Mike

Next Scheduled Prison date - July 25th
*John Perkins is leading worship*

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