Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prison Outreach Testimony

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who helped, prayed or provided food for the Prison Holiday Dinner this past Friday, December 4th. We had a team of 16 people go representing 5 different churches. Woodland UMC provided most of the meat, Lake Wylie Christian Assembly provided the sides as well as other items, New Destiny Community Church provided most of the desserts. Minister Quinton and Rendi led in music, Jimmy from LWCA gave a testimony and then Quinton brought a powerful Word from God about trusting in Him (Proverbs 3:5,6). It was a powerful night with many lives touched with the gospel. There was 12 who made repentive decisions for Jesus!

Then this past Sunday, three of us went back to the prison to hold the morning chapel service. Bruce and Scott shared testimonies. Then I brought the word, Cracked Pots (Acts 3 and 4). We have cracks in our lives, but God still loves us and makes us whole! There were 9 repentive decisions for Christ.

Once again, thank you.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

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