Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Night Live bulletin October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25, 2009

Shout out some praise (testimonies):

Helloween - Wow! Helloween is an incredible drama outreach put on by 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC. I have been playing a part in one scene most nights and Melissa helped in the prayer room last night. There were over 20 decisions last night and close to 100 since last week. If you get a chance, visit Helloween and take someone that needs Jesus!

Debt Free - I am now driving my own car (not the Credit Union's)! This past Friday Melissa and I paid off my car. We are now debt free! (Ok, just the house left.)

Tonight: A Call to Persevere! Heb 10
5:30pm - food (subs)
6pm - service

We need to continue to examine our lives as we go forward with New Destiny Community Church. God has huge incredible things ahead. But He is starting in us. I challenge all of us to examine our lives. Is there anything we are holding back? Have we given everything to Jesus? Are we trusting and walking in faith?

God is good and as Phil 1:6 say,"being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."

Future dates:

November 1 - Sunday Night Live (New Destiny)

tentative Pre - launch service - Nov 22

December 4th (Friday)- Holiday Dinner Outreach @ Kershaw Men's Prison

December 5th (Saturday)- Denver NC Christmas Parade and Christmas Tree lighting

December 6th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Men's Prison Chapel Service

Coming in 2010:

New Destiny Community Church Grand Opening service

Discipleship Walk

and more to come....


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor
c 803-448-5699

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