Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Night Live Bulletin October 4, 2009

Tonight: Continue Sermon Series on "This Changes Everything!"

*Reminder that we tweaked the Sunday Night Live schedule to:

5:30 pm - food and fellowship (Lasagna)
6:00 pm - Church

*We had an incredible time out at Denver Days (see previous Blog). But because of the weather, we have many T Shirts left, candy and balloons. Therefore, we will be looking at an outreach we can assist with or do within next month. We are thankful for the many contacts we did make at Denver Days. Over the past week, we sent follow up letters and/or emails from the information cards we recieved from the drawing. Also, 2 gift cards that were drawn from the info cards have been mailed and this coming week I plan to set up to meet the guy who won the Drill.

Our prayer is that New Destiny will be famous in making Jesus famous! We know He is up to something in our lives and up to something incredible in Denver/West Lake Norman.

Upcoming dates:

October 11th (Sunday Night) @ from 6:30pm - 8:30pm (Kershaw, SC)
Kershaw Men's Prison - Volunteer Appreciation Program
**please let me know by Monday, October 5 if you would like to join us.**

October 18th Sunday Night Live @ Pastor Mike and Melissa's home
5:30 pm food
6:00 pm service

December 4th - Kershaw Holiday Dinner
Last year, we networked with many churches to hold a holiday dinner program for around 170 people at Kershaw Men's Prison. This was an amazing time of sharing God's love. We saw first hand how some good food opens hearts!

December 5th - Denver, NC parade and Christmas Tree Lighting Ceramony

December 6th - Kershaw Men's Prison (morning Chapel)

Keep praying as New Destiny Community Church continues to amp up to regular weekly ministry. We are currently looking for the right door to open for a place to meet in the Denver, NC area.

Our mission and heart continues to be a church that grows together while we know and fall more in love with Jesus and take His love to our community.

In Christ,

Pastor Mike

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