Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kershaw Outreaches - update (Prison Ministry)

The process of planting a church requires the letting go of some things, even some ministry. As Melissa and I realized we were being released from our church and starting on the journey of planting New Destiny, we knew someone needed to step up at LWCA in leadership as Men's Prison Ministry Leader. Amazingly, God comes through everytime we call out to Him.

In November 2008, Scott Vernon from LWCA approached me about being a part of the team that provided the Holiday Dinner outreach to Kershaw Men's Prison in December 2008. It was an incredible night in which we fed over 200 men and saw 6 make decisions for Jesus.

Since that time, Scott gave an amazing testimony in March of how God has called him to Prison / Jail Ministry. A few weeks ago, Scott joined me on short notice for a Saturday Chapel Service. We saw 21 men come to Jesus that night.

Thank you Scott for answering The Call.


Mike Teeter

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