Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pastor Mike and Melissa Teeter (bio)

Pastor Mike Teeter is the Lead & Teaching Pastor at New Destiny Community Church. He has had multiple roles at different churches from an early age. Pastor Mike studied at Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL and then upon graduation went on to pursue local church ministry. He has ten years experience in youth ministry as a Youth Pastor and youth leader with strong emphasis in outreach and evangelism as well as discipleship. Most recently he was the Interim Lead Pastor at York Cornerstone Church along with being director of Jail and Prison Ministries at Lake Wylie Christian Assembly. Pastor Mike's strengths are in evangelism, sharing the love of Jesus and reaching people for Him and also training people to fully walk in their gifts.

Pastor Mike has many interests and one of the biggest being his sweet wife Melissa. In September 2005 they met and soon fell in love. A year later they were married. Pastor Mike also enjoys sports, especially playing softball and watching the Miami Dolphins and Orlando Magic. But Pastor Mike's highest interest is preaching, studying the word of God, sharing his faith in Jesus and seeing God transform lives!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Financial Partners - New Destiny

As we have been going forward with the Journery of New Destiny Community Church, we have had many ask about supporting financially. On behalf of New Destiny, I do want to thank everyone who has already given. We have had several churches and many individuals give. The North Carolina District and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly (parent church) covers and guides us. Both have graciously given financially to help New Destiny answer the call in reaching people for Jesus in this community. Melissa and I also have a Church Planting coach that helps guide as well.

It takes financial resouces to do ministry, especially when starting a church. There are many start up costs to launch effectively. We can use many more financial partners to rise up and assist as we continue this journey. If you can give on a regular basis for the next year (or whatever time frame), please just send an email or note to let us a know. Or feel free to give as you are able.

If you attend a different church, we encourage you to give your tithe to that church. But for those that do join up with New Destiny, we encourage to shift your financial support to New Destiny.

FYI - we are applying for a matching grant that will match our giving up to $30,000.

Please make any checks out to New Destiny Community Church


Mike Teeter
c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Sunday Night Live bulletin October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25, 2009

Shout out some praise (testimonies):

Helloween - Wow! Helloween is an incredible drama outreach put on by 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC. I have been playing a part in one scene most nights and Melissa helped in the prayer room last night. There were over 20 decisions last night and close to 100 since last week. If you get a chance, visit Helloween and take someone that needs Jesus!

Debt Free - I am now driving my own car (not the Credit Union's)! This past Friday Melissa and I paid off my car. We are now debt free! (Ok, just the house left.)

Tonight: A Call to Persevere! Heb 10
5:30pm - food (subs)
6pm - service

We need to continue to examine our lives as we go forward with New Destiny Community Church. God has huge incredible things ahead. But He is starting in us. I challenge all of us to examine our lives. Is there anything we are holding back? Have we given everything to Jesus? Are we trusting and walking in faith?

God is good and as Phil 1:6 say,"being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."

Future dates:

November 1 - Sunday Night Live (New Destiny)

tentative Pre - launch service - Nov 22

December 4th (Friday)- Holiday Dinner Outreach @ Kershaw Men's Prison

December 5th (Saturday)- Denver NC Christmas Parade and Christmas Tree lighting

December 6th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Men's Prison Chapel Service

Coming in 2010:

New Destiny Community Church Grand Opening service

Discipleship Walk

and more to come....


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor
c 803-448-5699

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Night Live - tonight (October 18) Bulletin

Tonight: 1 Cor 4
5:30 pm - food (soup)
6 pm- service

*Did you get your New Destiny? t-shirt yet? If not, please let met know. We will be glad to give them out while supplies last (for free). For those who have asked, we are not charging. But if you want to cover costs, they cost around $5 each.

*This past Tuesday, I had the honor of spending time with a veteran church planter - Pastor Turner, my college roommate from Southeastern University John Gowie, and his God daughter. I appreciate and am thankful for the time. They shared a wealth of knowledge from their experiences of church planting. We also put together 40 gift bags and gave them out in the Denver, NC community. Please be in prayer for those who recieved these gift bags.

*If you have not heard, 1st Assembly of God in Rock Hill, SC is currently holding their annual Helloween Outreach. It is a walk-through drama confronting many of the issues teens and young adults face and offers hope through Jesus Christ. The church puts an all-out focus effort for this outreach that has affected lives for eternity. During the first 2 nights there have been over 50 decisions for Jesus! I have had the opportunuty to volunteer and assist this season. Come and check it out!

November - thanksgiving outreach

Thanksgiving Night - Moss Justice Jail Outreach

December 4 - Kershaw Men's Prison
Holiday Dinner Outreach
December 5 - Denver NC Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
New Destiny plans to sponsor
December 6 - Kershaw Men's Prison
- Sunday Morning Chapel

*We plan to have our first monthly pre launch service in Denver NC within the next month. Please pray for God's wisdom as we look to finding a place to use in Denver NC.

On behalf of New Destiny, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, financial partnership and support. Thank you.


Mike Teeter
c 704-947-3829
h 803-448-5699

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kershaw Men's Prison - Holiday Dinner (December 4)

Last year, we had the opportunity to host one of the Holiday Dinners at Kershaw Men's Prison. There were at least 5 churches teamed up together to provide food and other resources helping to feed 170 men and present a program of music, testimonies and The Word! Many men were touched and blessed by the delicious food, ministry and love they recieved.

This year we are excited to have the opportunity again to hold one of the dinners on Friday night, December 4th. It will take much help, resources and people to make this year's outreach a success. If you can provide food (or financial donation to buy food) or would like to come, please contact myself or Scott Vernon. Last year we had 14 people come and help the of this outreach. It took all this and more to feed this many people with a nice dinner and hold a Holiday progam. Also, please be in prayer for this night and the ministry at Kershaw.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Night Live Bulletin October 4, 2009

Tonight: Continue Sermon Series on "This Changes Everything!"

*Reminder that we tweaked the Sunday Night Live schedule to:

5:30 pm - food and fellowship (Lasagna)
6:00 pm - Church

*We had an incredible time out at Denver Days (see previous Blog). But because of the weather, we have many T Shirts left, candy and balloons. Therefore, we will be looking at an outreach we can assist with or do within next month. We are thankful for the many contacts we did make at Denver Days. Over the past week, we sent follow up letters and/or emails from the information cards we recieved from the drawing. Also, 2 gift cards that were drawn from the info cards have been mailed and this coming week I plan to set up to meet the guy who won the Drill.

Our prayer is that New Destiny will be famous in making Jesus famous! We know He is up to something in our lives and up to something incredible in Denver/West Lake Norman.

Upcoming dates:

October 11th (Sunday Night) @ from 6:30pm - 8:30pm (Kershaw, SC)
Kershaw Men's Prison - Volunteer Appreciation Program
**please let me know by Monday, October 5 if you would like to join us.**

October 18th Sunday Night Live @ Pastor Mike and Melissa's home
5:30 pm food
6:00 pm service

December 4th - Kershaw Holiday Dinner
Last year, we networked with many churches to hold a holiday dinner program for around 170 people at Kershaw Men's Prison. This was an amazing time of sharing God's love. We saw first hand how some good food opens hearts!

December 5th - Denver, NC parade and Christmas Tree Lighting Ceramony

December 6th - Kershaw Men's Prison (morning Chapel)

Keep praying as New Destiny Community Church continues to amp up to regular weekly ministry. We are currently looking for the right door to open for a place to meet in the Denver, NC area.

Our mission and heart continues to be a church that grows together while we know and fall more in love with Jesus and take His love to our community.

In Christ,

Pastor Mike