Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kershaw Outreaches - update (Prison Ministry)

The process of planting a church requires the letting go of some things, even some ministry. As Melissa and I realized we were being released from our church and starting on the journey of planting New Destiny, we knew someone needed to step up at LWCA in leadership as Men's Prison Ministry Leader. Amazingly, God comes through everytime we call out to Him.

In November 2008, Scott Vernon from LWCA approached me about being a part of the team that provided the Holiday Dinner outreach to Kershaw Men's Prison in December 2008. It was an incredible night in which we fed over 200 men and saw 6 make decisions for Jesus.

Since that time, Scott gave an amazing testimony in March of how God has called him to Prison / Jail Ministry. A few weeks ago, Scott joined me on short notice for a Saturday Chapel Service. We saw 21 men come to Jesus that night.

Thank you Scott for answering The Call.


Mike Teeter

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Destiny Bulletin July 19, 2009

Melissa and I are excited to be having the 2nd New Destiny meeting tonight at our home from 6 - 7:30pm. We are believing for a powerful anointed time together. We are having food and fellowship, music, The Word, Prayer and planning for upcoming events.

July 19th message: Soaring like Eagles! Isa 40:31

Upcoming dates:

July 25th (Saturday) - Kershaw Prison Outreach
John Perkins leading worship

July 31st - Denver Days Application Deadline

August 1st - 8th: Pastor Mike in Orlando, FL for National Conference
August 6th - Church Planter Luncheon (Orlando, FL)

August 14th/15th - Pastor Mike and Melissa attending North Carolina Church Planter Retreat
Raleigh Community Church - led by North Carolina Church Planter Director

August 16th - New Destiny Meeting @ PMike and Melissa's home from 6 - 7:30pm

**Back to School Outreach** August 2009 - end of month (exact date to be determined)

August 30th - New Destiny Meeting

September 23 - 26th - Denver Days
Vendor Set up - September September 25/26

September 27th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Prison Outreach

October 25th (Sunday Night) from 6 - 7:30pm
New Destiny Preview Service


New Destiny Needs:

*Prayers: there is no power without prayer. Please keep Melissa and I, as well as New Destiny in prayer.
*New Destiny launch team: if you are interested in helping or know of others, please spread the word about New Destiny. Melissa and I know God has the right people to team up with New Destiny.
*Financial Partners: **ND plans to apply for matching grant.**
1. we need those who would give on a regular bases to help ND succeed. Giving can be directly to ND (we have a bank account) or through NC District.
2. those who are led to give on a one time donation.

Current specific needs:
1. Denver Days - estimated costs $1000 (for application fee, balloons, pens, canopy, etc)
2. Sound Equipment/media - estimated retail coasts $13,000.

Melissa and I thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, time, financial parnterships - for everything. Together we can reach Denver NC.


Pastor Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

home: 704-947-3829
Cell: 803-448-5699

fyi - posted this video in May. Check it out:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you ready?

This past Friday, I recieved a call from Kershaw Men's Prison asking if I could come to chapel and minister for Saturday, July 11th as there was a cancellation. I thought for just a moment, then said to myself "I am Ready"! I made a short list of those I thought would be ready and made a few calls. Then I returned the call to the Chaplain and advised that Scott and I could go.

I certainly understand we have schedules and sometimes we just need to rest. But are we walking and living for the Lord in such a way that we a ready to minister at all times? That our Christian walk is not only at church or around Christians/church people, but in all areas of our lives? That we are ready to testify about what He has done in our lives?

Recently, I have been studying Isa 40:31 - soar on wings as Eagles! This scripture and the application of it is amazing. Eagles have incredible eyesight. They can be high in the air and look down at the surface of a lake. When we may see boats on the water, people swimming and other things on the surface - eagles see below the surface. When we begin to soar like Eagles, we see beyond the surface of our situation. We see below the surface of what is going on in peoples' lives. God gives us eyes as Eagles. This is just one point of what God gave me to share this past Saturday. Prior to me preaching, Scott gave a powerful testimony.

I praise God, for He showed up and touched many hearts. There were 21 repentative decisions for Jesus! We also prayed for many other men for other needs. We thank Him for the opportunity. Through this experience, God proved to me once again that it is all about Him!


Pastor Mike

Next Scheduled Prison date - July 25th
*John Perkins is leading worship*

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July Update

July 11, 2009

Pastor Gunn and LWCA:

Melissa and I would like to thank you for everything – how you have been such a blessing to us. Over the last few months God has done wonders in our lives. We are walking in greater Joy, greater Peace and flowing in His anointing in a deeper way. We live and walk in The Spirit of God knowing there are divine appointments all around us and ministry is every where we are. We know God has so much for us and for New Destiny Community Church. LWCA has blessed us and poured into our lives and we are thankful.

We would like to give an update:
• New Destiny Community Church is an officially AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• On June 20th, we had our first launch team meeting in our home. Three families were represented. Next week we plan to have a 2nd launch team meeting at our home. Many more have expressed interest in coming. We know God knows who is to team up with us.
• I am planning to go to General Council and be at Church Planting Seminar/luncheon.
• North Carolina District is having a Church Planter retreat August 14 & 15 headed by Church Planting Director Jim Kelly. Melissa and I plan to attend this retreat.
• Tonight, we are ministering at Kershaw Men’s Prison. Scott Vernon has answered The Call to lead the Ministry of Kershaw Men’s Prison with me and be the Contact/Leader at LWCA as Melissa and I transition to New Destiny. We are leading a larger group July 25th with John Perkins leading worship.
• Melissa is beginning a women’s Bible Study on Monday Nights.
• Today, I am meeting with Chaplain/Pastor Kris from River's Edge Church, Davidson North Carolina
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 7 individual/families give personal financial support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks. We updated the blog 2 times in June and once in July already.
• Melissa and I have visited 8 local churches on Wednesday/Sundays to fellowship/meet other ministers over the last 5 months.
• Twice I have met with the pastor from Stonehill Community Church (AG) in Huntersville NC. On Sunday May 31, I preached while the pastor was out of town. I have continued to stay in contact with this pastor.
• We gave volunteer/intern information to the 2 seminaries in Charlotte. This information has been posted to share with students with these seminaries.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC.
• Recently, we applied for STL grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• Recently, we applied for NC District Endowment (possible $5000). This has been approved (per church planting director Jim Kelly) and funds will be released once New Destiny gets further along with Core Group/Launch Team.
• Received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees (see attached). Indication is would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserving months at time. Another option is to see of store fronts would cut a deal since market is slow right now.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach: Pastor Rex Bornman from United Faith AG. We met 3 times in June.
• In May I met with Rev. Randall Rogers from NC District regarding Financial/Legal/Administrative issues in planting a church. I was given much wise counsel and resources (manuals).
Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). In the next few weeks, we plan to begin to have core/launch team meetings. New Destiny needs help to launch healthy and effectively. We know God is our source. He knows those who are to team up with us. He has all the resources and finances. He knows those we are to reach. It is all for Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and LWCA. We appreciate you being our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor
H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

Church address:
New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our First Ministry!

For the last couple of days, Melissa and I have been in Boone, NC spending time together nurturing our relationship. New Destiny Community Church is very important to both of us and we are excited about all He has for us and this community. We enjoy the ministry and The Call of God! But we know The Call starts in our home first. Over the last few months, God has taken me to a higher level of joy, service and favor -- in the home first. Often I make the bed before Melissa gets home from work and put some candles out upstairs. She seldom has to put gas in her car - yes, I believe in doing that for her and recently I've been training her to allow me to open her car door. Each morning I kiss her on the cheek and tell her I love her -- woman of God. I love Melissa. My wife and best friend.

For the last couple of days, I surprised sweet Melissa with a Bed and Breakfast getaway. This summer I have been working required overtime at work, we both have been working on New Destiny, and we've participated in several fun family commitments. So, we are thankful we had the opportunity to Celebrate Marriage! Actually a guest asked us why we came this weekend and I stated, "to celebrate marriage". They thought we were celebrating anniversary, but Melissa explained we just were celebrating because we love our marriage!

My desire as New Destiny Community Church grows is to lead by example - to be the greatest servant in our church. And it starts in the home - to be the greatest servant in my home.

Men, how about it? Are we rising up as Men of God? Men of God on our jobs, communities and most importantly - in our homes?

As the Word says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

Upcoming dates:
July 19 - New Destiny Launch Team Meeting
July 27 - Kershaw Men's Prison Outreach

803-448-5699 cell
704-947-3829 home

church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037


home address:

7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville NC 28078