Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Destiny visitor brochure!

Denver Weekly! Post Article regarding Love Denver 2012 Churches show their love for Denver Posted by DW Editoron August 30, 2012in Faith|0 Comment Eight churches worked together to host the second annual Love Denver back-to-school event. Providence Church, Lucia Baptist Church, New Destiny Community Church, Christ Church, Denver Wesleyan Church, Lakeshore Church PCA, Denver Baptist Church and Whitestone Ministry helped 300 families get haircuts, dental care and school supplies, in addition to plates of food and family portraits. Counting volunteers and guests, more than 1,000 people participated in the Love Denver event. (Bill Ward/Denver Weekly photos) Volunteer Robin Hucks guided families through the Love Denver event, including Adela Rosario and her children, Admary and Jony. Sadie Martin, 2011 Teen Elite Miss North Carolina, volunteered to work with families at the event. The churches also provided haircuts for the students heading back to school. Children lined up to get their faces painted.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunday Morning sermon series!

*************************************************************************************** Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am (September 2nd) as we continue our series on Thus Saith The Lord! Come prepared to celebrate what God has been doing in our lives and be prepared for Him to do something special this Sunday morning as well. Come early to pray and get a great seat! Blessings, Pastor Mike New Destiny Community Church

Radio Program! Tomorrow at 12 noon

*************************************************************************************** Tune in tomorrow at 12 noon on 1270 am ( as Pastor Mike shares from The Word on our New Destiny bi weekly radio program. Pray many listen and many lives our touched through this time of God's Word being shared via radio! Blessings

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Love Denver 2012 pictures!

Upcoming Prison Outreach news and dates!

************************************************************************************* God has been touching men's lives in an amazing way at our Prison Outreaches this year! We have seen 41 salvation decisions this year and many others have been prayed for regarding many other needs. If you would like to know more information on how you can support or be a part of this ministry, please contact Pastor Mike Teeter of New Destiny Community Church or Scott Vernon of Lake Wylie Christian Assembly. Blessings, Pastor Mike Upcoming dates: Saturday night, September 15th Saturday night, November 17th Friday night, November 30th (Holiday Dinner)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Love Denver organizers expand outreach effort this year

Love Denver organizers expand outreach effort this year

Love Denver organizers expand outreach effort this year

by Tori Hamby
Jinner Rudolph trims up 11-year-old Hank Hill, who attends East Lincoln Middle School, during the 2011 Love Denver back-to-school event. (Denver Weekly file photo)
Organizers of the second annual Love Denver back-to-school event are prepared this go-around.
Volunteers from Providence Church distributed all 50 school supply-filled bookbags to Denver children minutes before last year’s event even officially started. So this time, Providence Pastor Bobby Wilkinson has enlisted the help of other churches to reach a greater number of Denver students about to return to school Aug. 27.
“This year we will be giving away about 400-500 backpacks depending on the final amount of money we collect,” Wilkinson said.
Love Denver will take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Aug. 25 in the field next to Walmart, 7131 N.C. 73, Denver.
About 150 volunteers from seven churches will run the event which, in addition to the bookbag giveaway, includes free haircuts, eye and dental care, chiropractic services, basic medical exams, family portraits, food, children’s activities, faith outreach and entertainment.
The ministry began last year when Wilkinson and his congregation thought they could do more to directly help their community.
“This is a predominantly a Gospel event,” he said. “We want everyone to know that it is not the good deeds of the faith community, but rather the body of Jesus – the church, therefore Jesus himself – providing this event.”
Lakeshore Church of Lake Norman Pastor Jeff Morrison said his congregation missed last year’s event because they didn’t know about it, but will help out this year by heading up the bookbag collection effort.
“Bookbags are probably the most expensive single back-to-school item that parents have to provide for their kids,” Morrison said. “School can be challenging, and we don’t want students to have to go without the things they need.”
Volunteers, unlike last year, will have guests register before entering the event instead of automatically fulfilling every request for a bookbag. Everyone wishing to receive a bag and food must be present at registration to receive a ticket.
Those only wanting to receive medical services and haircuts don’t need to register, Wilkinson said.
The event takes about $7,000 to run, he added, and the churches are still collecting donations to pay for tent rentals, food, promotion efforts and bounce houses. All donations are tax deductible, he said.
Volunteers from the Denver church community will also be available to provide some spiritual outreach, Wilkinson said. Love Denver will include a ministry resource area where residents can learn about Denver churches and nonprofits that provide spiritual guidance as well as material assistance.
“Truly our greatest objective is not just that the needy has food and water and material possessions,” Wilkinson said.
Want more information?
Go online to Those who want to donate items and money to Love Denver should email

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Destiny Community Church is featured church in news@norman this past week!

************************************************************************************ New Destiny Community Church (rough draft for news@norman article) At the beginning of this year, New Destiny Community Church found a permanent home for its congregation! The new facility is located at 626 S. Hwy. 16, between Stanley and Denver. We are one mile south on 16 from the 16/73 intersection. New Destiny Community Church had been meeting at the Club at Westport. The logistics of setting up sound and a stage every week at the club helped push the church to find a dedicated space. It is nice to have our own place. Space in the new building allows us space to grow. Also, we now have room for nursery, children’s ministry, church fellowships and prayer meetings! The church held a grand opening on Jan. 7, 2012, to celebrate its first home. On Thursday morning, January 26th, the local chamber of commerce held a grand opening ribbon cutting. Most recently on July 1st, we transitioned to Sunday mornings at 10:30 am as our primary church service time. Over the last year, New Destiny has been involved with community events including Denver Days, Denver’s 4th of July celebration/fireworks and Denver’s annual Christmas Parade. We have been actively involved with Denver Days and the Denver Fireworks as a sponsor and vendor. You may have seen us out at the Festival or Fireworks making balloon creations, giving out t shirts, offering face painting or handing out bottled water. On August 25th, we are teaming up with other area churches to hold the Love Denver back to school event. We support missionaries all over the world and have had the honor of fellowship with missionaries from the Dominican Republic and Philippines. In the coming months, we will be having outreaches to a prison. Twice a month, New Destiny is on the radio at 12 noon on Saturdays (1270 am – WCGC). You are also invited to listen to our podcast on our website. Our services are focused on delivering a powerful message in a relevant, non-traditional , contemporary atmosphere. Recently, Anna Crawford joined the New Destiny Team as our Music Intern. Anna and Melissa Teeter our doing a great job of leading the church in the area of music/worship leading. We also have special services throughout the year featuring missionaries, student ministry teams, and special concerts. We are affiliated with the Assemblies of God. We invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 10:30am! For more information, contact us at 704-947-3829 or Blessings, Pastor Mike and Melissa Teeter

Sunday night, August 26th at 6pm!

************************************************************************************** Join us for a special night or Worship and Prayer! The focus is completely to Seek Him and be in HIS presence.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reminder - new church time is 10:30 am (Sundays)

Church work day! This Saturday

*************************************************************************************** Greetings! On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who has partnered with us in prayer, gifts, thoughts and / or finances. God has been using us to touch lives and we know HE has greater things in store. This coming Saturday, we have a huge Church Work Day in store. The primary focus is to repair the hallway floor and then replace that flooring. The floor was damaged by a water leak from the water fountain on Christmas Eve 2011. This is something that needs to be done. We have some help that is coming that knows how to do this type of work. We also have had some funds donated toward this repair. Praise God! We are moving forward in faith. The following is needed in the next few days: 1. Prayer! For New Destiny Community Church and that this Work Day goes smoothly. 2. Volunteers. People that can help with this work and other needs we have. We also have trees that need to be trimmed, grass mowed and inside work. 3. Financial parntership. We can use some more financial partnership for this project to be done. The estimate to complete this project properly is $1500. We have have had about 40% donated toward this project. God has shown me time and again how HE comes through. I understand more each day how HE is in control! Blessings, Mike Teeter pastor New Destiny Community Church

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Denver NC Fireworks! This Saturday

*************************************************************************************** New Destiny Community Church is looking forward to being out in the HOT Denver, NC sun this coming Saturday for the Denver Area Business Association (DABA) Fireworks event at East Lincoln High School. New Destiny Community Church is planning to hand out over 1000 bottles of water. We also will be wearing new T Shirts. Come join us for this special event to celebrate the freedoms we have in USA! Blessings, Mike Teeter pastor New Destiny Community Church

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home Group! Wednesday at 7 pm

************************************************************************************* Home Group! Wednesday at 7 pm Where: Pastor Mike and Melissa's Home 7850 Bud Henderson Rd Huntersville, NC 28078

Love Denver!

Denver NC Fireworks!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Destiny news! June 23

Woman Caught In Adultery

everyONE MATTERS TO GOD! sermon series continues tomorrow... John 8:1-11

************************************************************************************** everyONE MATTERS TO GOD! sermon series continues tomorrow... John 8:1-11 1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

New Destiny update! June 23rd.

New Destiny update! June 23rd. 1. A few days ago we got our new church A Frame signs to set out after tomorrow's church service. Signs say "Sunday Mornings 10:30 AM"! 2. Grass was mowed last night! 3. We have signed an outdoor lighting contract to have one more outdoor light put in for the parking lot. It will be done this coming week. 4. We recently had a drum set donated that needed some parts and repairs. We now have the parts and it will be repaired by our music intern tomorrow! 5. Next Saturday, June 30th...we will be a part of the Denver, NC Fireworks event! Pastor Billy from our parent church (LWCA) is bringing a group of college students to help. We plan to give out 1000 bottles of water and Pastor Mike will be giving the event prayer! **New Destiny Church is thankful for everyone who partners with us. Thank you

Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Destiny news! June 17 2012

************************************************************************************** Greeetings! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Father's Day. Join us tonight at 6 pm for a special service. We are very exciting for tonight's New Destiny Celebration service. We will be concluding our Series on everyONE MATTERS TO GOD and having short word regarding fathers / men. It is also our monthly Communion Sunday as well. Following church, we will be having a reception (subs) in honor of Father's Day. We invite everyone to join us in the fellowship hall! Upcoming events: 1. Denver NC Fireworks! -- Saturday, June 30th. New Destiny is one of the sponsors / vendors for this event. We will be giving out 1000 bottles of water. Pastor Mike will also be praying at the event! We need many volunteers for this night of celebration. FYI - the Fireworks is incredible show... worth the time and drive for any out of towners. Also, please let us know if you can bring case (s) of water. It will take about 45 cases of water... and if you can bring a cooler with ICE as well. Please let us know asap so we can keep a count. The event organizers can also use some help... especially with some of the kid booths. 2. New Destiny's first Sunday morning service! - July 1st. The doors will be open for prayer at 9 am. Fellowship / food at 10 am. Service at 10:30 am! These are just a couple event updates. Thank you to everyone who is a part of New Destiny and believing / supporting us as we impact Denver NC! Blessings, Mike Teeter pastor New Destiny Community Church

Friday, June 15, 2012

Courageous Movie Scene: Rich Man

Courageous Movie Scene: Rich Man

Courageous - Final scene

Snake King Courageous- full version

Prayer! tomorrow night at 6pm

*********************************************************** Tomorrow night at 6pm, we plan to have our monthly Saturday night prayer! This time is for ONE main purpose - to pray and be in God's presence. There is power in prayer. We plan to be at church by 5 pm to do some cleaning and other organizing. All are welcome! Blessings, Pastor Mike

Courageous - The Father's Resolution (Scene)

Casting Crowns - Courageous [Official Music Video - HD]

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Destiny bridges technology, faith

New Destiny bridges technology, faith

New Destiny news - update! June 12, 2012

**************************************************************************************************************************** On behalf of New Destiny Community Church of Denver Nc, I would like to thank everyone for your prayerful and / or financial well as words of encouragement as New Destiny Community Church proceeds to impact the community of Denver, NC. Somer recent praise reports: 1. Our stage has been revamped. Instead of front projection for words, we now have two projectors doing rear projections. We also moved the lighting back to allow room for more musicians. Thank you Scott Vernon for designing the projector screen frame! 2. Anna Crawford has joined our worship team. Melissa Bruining Teeter and Anna have done a great job the last few weeks and we are believing for God to call others for our worship team! 3. Both bathroom facilities are fully working! Praise God :) 4. The ditch along Highway 16 has been fully mowed / trimmed! Thank you Brandon Bowen. **These are just a few items over the last few weeks.** Once again, thank you to everone who partners with us in one way or another. We appreciate it! Blessings, Michael A. Teeter Pastor New Destiny Community Church