Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Destiny news - update! June 12, 2012

**************************************************************************************************************************** On behalf of New Destiny Community Church of Denver Nc, I would like to thank everyone for your prayerful and / or financial support...as well as words of encouragement as New Destiny Community Church proceeds to impact the community of Denver, NC. Somer recent praise reports: 1. Our stage has been revamped. Instead of front projection for words, we now have two projectors doing rear projections. We also moved the lighting back to allow room for more musicians. Thank you Scott Vernon for designing the projector screen frame! 2. Anna Crawford has joined our worship team. Melissa Bruining Teeter and Anna have done a great job the last few weeks and we are believing for God to call others for our worship team! 3. Both bathroom facilities are fully working! Praise God :) 4. The ditch along Highway 16 has been fully mowed / trimmed! Thank you Brandon Bowen. **These are just a few items over the last few weeks.** Once again, thank you to everone who partners with us in one way or another. We appreciate it! Blessings, Michael A. Teeter Pastor New Destiny Community Church newdestinydenver.org

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