Monday, July 9, 2012

Church work day! This Saturday

*************************************************************************************** Greetings! On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who has partnered with us in prayer, gifts, thoughts and / or finances. God has been using us to touch lives and we know HE has greater things in store. This coming Saturday, we have a huge Church Work Day in store. The primary focus is to repair the hallway floor and then replace that flooring. The floor was damaged by a water leak from the water fountain on Christmas Eve 2011. This is something that needs to be done. We have some help that is coming that knows how to do this type of work. We also have had some funds donated toward this repair. Praise God! We are moving forward in faith. The following is needed in the next few days: 1. Prayer! For New Destiny Community Church and that this Work Day goes smoothly. 2. Volunteers. People that can help with this work and other needs we have. We also have trees that need to be trimmed, grass mowed and inside work. 3. Financial parntership. We can use some more financial partnership for this project to be done. The estimate to complete this project properly is $1500. We have have had about 40% donated toward this project. God has shown me time and again how HE comes through. I understand more each day how HE is in control! Blessings, Mike Teeter pastor New Destiny Community Church

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