Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Destiny news - facility update!


On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone that has partnered with us as a church and with our new facility. We now have had over 50 people help with the facility. Just this past Friday, New Destiny Church was featured in the Denver Weekly (local newspaper) regarding our new facility! Thank you Denver Weekly for positive news.

I knew that from the beginning of seeing this church facility and signing the lease, that it was move bigger than we could handle on our own... but we knew it was a GOD MOVE! And when God says to move, HE provides. I understand that does not mean it is easy, but it will get done and HE will supply.

New Destiny now has plenty chairs to handle weekly ministry as well as special events. Two different friends contacted us to provide the chairs. Many Thanks! Last week, we found out we did not have outside lighting. Not good. Yesterday, an electrician friend came and helped with the outside lighting. Praise God! We now have outside lighting and lighting on the Church Sign. We worked on the plumbing and it is working better. But we have been having issues with water pressure working consistently. We have narrowed it down to we need to pull the pump in the well. God will give us wisdom and this will be fixed this week!

We have come a long way in a short few weeks, but we certainly know there is more that needs to be done. New Destiny is excited because of the many lives that will be transformed from the ministry here at our new facility. The many people that will see us, come and be changed for eternity.

We still can use many more to partner with us in prayer, financial partnership and / or volunteer partnership. Please contact us if you are able to help in any way. Thank you!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699


New Destiny news:

1. Tonight we will be having our first communion at our new facility. It will also be a special Christmas message! And a time of fellowship after service. Join us and bring a friend.

2. This Wednesday, December 14th we will be having Home Group at Doug's home!

3. Next Sunday night, we will have a special Christmas Drama - "The Innkeeper's Dream" by our own Doug Barnett.

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