Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve! 2011


Blessed! We are all so truly blessed with God's love, family, friends and much more. I feel even more blessed this Christmas Eve being a DADDY! Just a few minutes ago, I had the honor of reading the Christmas story for little Katelyn from her Children's Bible. From an early age, I want her to know Jesus! And the true meaning of Christmas. A couple of days ago, our nephew Jack gave his heart to Jesus. He was full of excitement as he told Melissa and me last night. Praise God!

Melissa, myself and baby Katelyn wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We pray this Christmas 2011 will be a joyous celebration for all. New Destiny Church will not be having our regular Sunday service tomorrow. We encourage everyone to have church with your family this Sunday. Spend a little time reading the Christmas story and reflecting on His LOVE, forgiveness and PEACE!

In just a couple of weeks, New Destiny Community Church will be having our Grand Opening Celebration!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

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