Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24, 2011 10:00 AM

Katelyn's first Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve! 2011


Blessed! We are all so truly blessed with God's love, family, friends and much more. I feel even more blessed this Christmas Eve being a DADDY! Just a few minutes ago, I had the honor of reading the Christmas story for little Katelyn from her Children's Bible. From an early age, I want her to know Jesus! And the true meaning of Christmas. A couple of days ago, our nephew Jack gave his heart to Jesus. He was full of excitement as he told Melissa and me last night. Praise God!

Melissa, myself and baby Katelyn wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We pray this Christmas 2011 will be a joyous celebration for all. New Destiny Church will not be having our regular Sunday service tomorrow. We encourage everyone to have church with your family this Sunday. Spend a little time reading the Christmas story and reflecting on His LOVE, forgiveness and PEACE!

In just a couple of weeks, New Destiny Community Church will be having our Grand Opening Celebration!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

New Destiny Church finds a home

New Destiny Church finds a home

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Grand Opening! Saturday, January 7th at 6pm


New Destiny Community Church Grand Opening Celebration! Saturday, January 7th at 6pm. Join us and check out our new facility... as we celebrate God's Destiny and future for us!

God has huge things in store!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

Monday, December 19, 2011

Home Group! Tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7pm -- December 20th

Join us tomorrow night for Home Group Bible Study at Mike and Janis' home at 7 pm (or as soon as you can arrive). We will have a great time of food, fellowship and The Word!


Mike Teeter


New Destiny Community Church

cell 803-448-5699

Mike and Janis

2229 Mt Zion Church Rd.

Alexis, NC 28006

FYI - not too far from Iron Station

Thanks Pastors Jim and Janet Kelly!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Podcasts! have been updated on website


Special Christmas Program - This Sunday night at 6pm!


This Sunday night at 6pm, New Destiny Community Church will be having a special Christmas program. It will include Christmas music, a timely Word for the Christmas season and the drama - "The Innkeeper's Dream"! Immediately following the service / program, we will be having a Dessert social in our fellowship hall. We ask all who can to bring a dessert or finger food. Also, I ask all of us to pray for this Sunday night. May God touch all of our lives!

This is a great opportunity to bring family, friends, neighbors or others to hear the gospel message of Jesus!

FYI - the directions tab on our website has been updated.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
youtube newdestinydenver

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011 8:45 AM

Special Christmas Celebration Service - Sunday, December 18th at 6pm!


This Sunday, December 18th at 6pm, New Destiny Community Church will be having a Special Christmas Program! The program will include Christmas music, reading of the Christmas story, the Drama - The Innkeeper's Dream and refreshments following the program. All are welcome and we encourage everyone to invite friends, neighbors, families and others for this celebration of Jesus, the greatest gift of all!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

The website has been update regarding directions.

church address:
626 S NC 16 Highway
Stanley, NC 28164

Next Home Group? Tonight at 7pm


Join us tonight at Doug and Mary's home for Home Group at 7 pm. Come for a great time of fellowship, food and more! You are welcome to bring Christmas Dessert or finger food. Also, you are welcome to bring a friend or neighbor!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

Doug and Mary's address:
6025 Pleasant Grove Road
Charlotte, NC 28216

Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Destiny news - facility update!


On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone that has partnered with us as a church and with our new facility. We now have had over 50 people help with the facility. Just this past Friday, New Destiny Church was featured in the Denver Weekly (local newspaper) regarding our new facility! Thank you Denver Weekly for positive news.

I knew that from the beginning of seeing this church facility and signing the lease, that it was move bigger than we could handle on our own... but we knew it was a GOD MOVE! And when God says to move, HE provides. I understand that does not mean it is easy, but it will get done and HE will supply.

New Destiny now has plenty chairs to handle weekly ministry as well as special events. Two different friends contacted us to provide the chairs. Many Thanks! Last week, we found out we did not have outside lighting. Not good. Yesterday, an electrician friend came and helped with the outside lighting. Praise God! We now have outside lighting and lighting on the Church Sign. We worked on the plumbing and it is working better. But we have been having issues with water pressure working consistently. We have narrowed it down to we need to pull the pump in the well. God will give us wisdom and this will be fixed this week!

We have come a long way in a short few weeks, but we certainly know there is more that needs to be done. New Destiny is excited because of the many lives that will be transformed from the ministry here at our new facility. The many people that will see us, come and be changed for eternity.

We still can use many more to partner with us in prayer, financial partnership and / or volunteer partnership. Please contact us if you are able to help in any way. Thank you!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699


New Destiny news:

1. Tonight we will be having our first communion at our new facility. It will also be a special Christmas message! And a time of fellowship after service. Join us and bring a friend.

2. This Wednesday, December 14th we will be having Home Group at Doug's home!

3. Next Sunday night, we will have a special Christmas Drama - "The Innkeeper's Dream" by our own Doug Barnett.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Communion Sunday, December 11th at 6 pm


Communion Sunday, December 11th at 6 pm

Join us this coming Sunday night, as we have our first communion service in our new facility! It is going to be an amazing time of celebration.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699
youtube - newdestinydenver

New Destiny Church finds a home

New Destiny Church finds a home

New Destiny Church finds a home - Friday, December 9th Denver Weekly!

New Destiny Church finds a home - Friday, December 9th Denver Weekly

Posted by CW Editor on December 8, 2011 in Faith

by Alan Hodge

Pastor Mike Teeter stands outside the new building at New Destiny Church in Stanley. (Courtesy of Mike Teeter)

After months of searching, Pastor Mike Teeter has found a permanent home for his New Destiny Community Church congregation.

The new sanctuary and fellowship hall are located at 626 S. Hwy. 16, between Stanley and Denver, the former location of Lake Norman Church of God. Teeter’s congregation had been meeting in various venues, including the Club at Westport.

The logistics of setting up sound and a stage every week at the club helped push the church to find a dedicated New Destiny space.

“We are thankful for the Club at Westport for letting us use their facility,” Teeter said. “But now it will be nice to have our own place.”

Once the lease was signed, Teeter and a large group of volunteers set to work freshening up the new building.

“It had been vacant for several months,” Teeter said. “We had a big, three-day work session last week, and about forty people showed up to help.”

Teeter and volunteers cleaned carpets, painted, built a stage and scrubbed every surface, Teeter said.

A young church formed by Teeter in 2009, New Destiny has about fifty members and is looking to the future. Space in the new building will allow it to grow.

The church will hold a grand opening on Jan. 7, 2012, to celebrate its first home.
“We can have dinners and special events in the fellowship hall,” Teeter said. “It can accommodate about sixty people.”

Room for a nursery will allow more parents of young children to attend worship.

“We also plan to start a ministry for children,” Teeter said. “We are looking to grow. The main sanctuary can hold between 150 and 200 people.”

The church’s location on busy S. Hwy. 16 is also a plus.

“It will give us some good exposure,” Teeter said. “We have a new sign up that will be easy to spot.”

Teeter is already holding soft opening services in the new building, and has planned a grand opening ribbon cutting on Jan. 7.

New Destiny has signed a long-term lease on the building, but Teeter says the church may eventually buy it.

For more information on New Destiny Community Church, go online to the website at or call 704-947-3829.

New Destiny Church Christmas Play

Visit the new location and see New Destiny Community Church’s Christmas drama, The Innkeeper’s Dream. The play runs Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. with refreshments to follow.

626 S. Hwy. 16 , Denver

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Destiny featured in Lincoln Times News! (local newspaper)

Friday, December 2, 2011 edition

Denver church reaches out to S.C. prison inmates
Staff Writer

One Denver church is reaching out to inmates at a South Carolina prison this season with hopes of spiritually encouraging them through a simple holiday dinner.
New Destiny Community Church has been volunteering with the Holiday Dinner Program at Kershaw Correctional Institution in Kershaw, S.C., for the last three years.
New Destiny Pastor Mike Teeter, who heads up the initiative, has personally assisted with the program for four years.
He has no doubt that the annual outreach dinner is one of many prison ministry programs of which he’s been a part over the years which has helped to mold inmates into people who can more successfully function on the other side of their bars.
“They need a network of people who can direct them in the right direction,” Teeter said.
Because there are around 1,500 inmates at the Kershaw facility, the dinner takes place on 10 different nights, ensuring a special holiday meal for each person.
“Any person needs to know they are cared for and loved,” Teeter said. “This time of year a lot of people get down and out, not just in prison but in life.”
This Saturday is the final night of the Holiday Dinner Program. This year’s program started the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, with a couple dinners taking place that following week.
While only a handful of area churches were on the volunteer list during the dinner program’s commencement year, Teeter noted that over the years more than 30 groups have pulled together to make the program spring to life.
Churches from Concord, Rock Hill and Raleigh, among other locations across the Carolinas, have assisted the event by either entertaining inmates with music or catering a set amount of food, provided by church donations. Individuals also often share their faith-filled testimonies with the audience.
Teeter noted that the inmates will also get to enjoy a 15 to 20 minute skit presentation during this weekend’s “grand finale” dinner. The performance will be given from the perspective of the innkeeper mentioned in the Biblical Christmas story of Christ’s birth.
Teeter is thankful for the opportunity to “pour into these men’s lives,” he said of the inmates.
“A lot of these men don’t get visits from family and friends,” he said, “and often we are the only ones who come in and show we care… If they have different churches they’ve connected with…when they get out, it will help them transition into society and help them transform spiritually.”
Overseeing the Holiday Dinner Program has also been a spiritual experience for Teeter.
“It shows me how God touches and changes lives,” Teeter said. “I’ve seen men down in life, depressed and on the wrong path…but now, through them seeing people care…they’ve turned and done a 180.”
Starting Sunday, New Destiny Community Church will now meet at a facility owned by Lake Norman Church of God. The building is located at 626 Highway 16 South in Denver. New Destiny formerly held its weekly worship services at Denver’s Westport Country Club.
Anyone wishing to find out more information on the church or interested in volunteering with next year’s Holiday Dinner Program or other prison ministry outreach opportunity, can contact the church at 704-947-3829 or Mike Teeter at 803-448-5699.
Individuals can also email Mike at or visit the church website at

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Parade Pictures 2011!

Prayer meeting! This Wednesday at 7 pm


Prayer meeting! This Wednesday at 7 pm

Join us this Wednesday, December 7th at 7 pm at our new facility for a time of prayer. We will also be reaccessing work, cleaning and renovations that still
need to be done with the facility.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699