Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prison Holiday Dinner - Friday night, December 2nd


The Holidays are finally upon us and once again we are thankful to be taking an outreach team to the prison to share God's love. We team up with other churches to combine our resources regarding food and program. There will be around 175 inmates at the dinner - program. This is our fourth year doing the Holiday - Program at the prison. Each year we bring a fancy holiday dinner with all the side dishes and dessert. We are sure to bring plenty of food! Many of the inmates remember this night for months to come.

Each year, we put together a Holiday program with the message of God's Love! This year we have special music from College Student Ministries and our worship Leader is bringing a powerful short drama presentation. The drama is from the perspective of the inn keeper. We are believing many inmates will hear the Reason for the Season and come to Jesus!

New Destiny Community Church is handling desserts, rolls and some lemonade. If you would like to provide some food or possibly come to this outreach, please contact us ASAP. Please partner with us in prayer as well. Thank you!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
704-947-3829 cell 803-448-5699

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