Sunday, November 13, 2011

Praise report! 13 decisions for Jesus at Prison Outreach


Last night a team of us from New Destiny Community Church and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly went to hold a Chapel Service at a Men's Prison. We all shared testimonies and then The Word was delivered by Mike Jenkins and Franklin Cunningham. WOW! God powerfully touched our lives and many men gave their lives to Jesus. At best count, at least 13 made repentive decisions. Many other men came forward for other prayer needs as well. We praise God for transformed lives!

A reminder that the yearly Holiday Dinner Outreach at the prison is coming Friday night, December 2nd. We will be providing a delicious holiday dinner for at least 150 men and providing a Holiday Program. Please partner with us in prayer. If you would like to invest financially / help with food or if you would like to join us for this outreach, please feel free to contact us.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

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