Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Speed the Light (STL)

One of the areas that New Destiny Community Church gives to in our Missions giving is Speed the Light. Here is some information about STL (from STL facebook page):

Speed the Light (STL) is the student-initiated ministry that provides transportation and communications equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 150 countries around the world.

STL has its humble beginnings in 1944 when Ralph W. Harris (then head of the NYD), prayed for a way to give A/G youth the opportunity to help missionaries in their work.

Today, STL is one of the most effective missions programs in the church world. Assemblies of God students have accepted a great responsibility to voluntarily raise funds to purchase the equipment. Since its inception, STL has raised a total of $207,095,428.74 for missionary equipment around the world.

Speed the Light has one guiding principle: All assistance must go to purchase equipment directly related to evangelism ("evangelism" is defined as propagating the gospel and instructing converts). STL equipment has not been nor is presently given for promotion, solicitation, or normal administrative funds.

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