Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Financial Partners - New Destiny

As we have been going forward with the Journery of New Destiny Community Church, we have had many ask about supporting financially. On behalf of New Destiny, I do want to thank everyone who has already given. We have had several churches and many individuals give. The North Carolina District and Lake Wylie Christian Assembly (parent church) covers and guides us. Both have graciously given financially to help New Destiny answer the call in reaching people for Jesus in this community. Melissa and I also have a Church Planting coach that helps guide as well.

It takes financial resouces to do ministry, especially when starting a church. There are many start up costs to launch effectively. We can use many more financial partners to rise up and assist as we continue this journey. If you can give on a regular basis for the next year (or whatever time frame), please just send an email or note to let us a know. Or feel free to give as you are able.

If you attend a different church, we encourage you to give your tithe to that church. But for those that do join up with New Destiny, we encourage to shift your financial support to New Destiny.

Please make any checks out to New Destiny Community Church


Mike Teeter

c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Jail Ourtreach - praise report

This past Thursday, Scott Vernon and I along with many others had the opportunity to go into a local jail to share a Christmas program. We delivered some cookies and soda along with some gift bags the Chaplain had put together. I had the honor to present the Christmas message three times: once to a young man, then two other times to a small group of men. After sharing the Christmas story along with a short story - "Crippled Puppy"! The message stands true for eternity, Jesus came as the greatest gift of all, that we may be saved! After giving the invitation to come to Jesus, 12 men total raised their hands. Praise God for these 12 and so many others that have come to salvation this holiday season.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What do you believe?

A few days ago I glanced over an article in the USA today and then a friend of mine Pastor Jeremy from Wyandotte Family Church out of Michigan mentioned the article in his blog. Pastor Jeremy and I met at a Church Planter Boot Camp (seminar) this past March. Thank you for sharing this great blog article Pastor Jeremy. Here is his link:


ARTICLE IN USA TODAY on Thursday, December 10, 2009

22% of Christians surveyed believe that people will be reborn in this world again and again (reincarnation)

17% of Christians surveyed believe that people with an "evil eye" can cast curses or harmful spells

15% of Christians surveyed admitted they attend services of at least one other faith.

What does all this mean? Synchretism by definition means blending together of different religions. People are taking one thing from Christianity, one thing from Islam, one from New Age Thought, and another from their own experience.

What drives your belief system? If it's emotions, they will fail and change often. If it's a new age movement, give it time it will fade. If it's God's Word, it will always remain.

Psalm 33:4--For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

1 Peter 1:24-25--"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25but the word of the Lord stands forever.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prison Outreach Testimony

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who helped, prayed or provided food for the Prison Holiday Dinner this past Friday, December 4th. We had a team of 16 people go representing 5 different churches. Woodland UMC provided most of the meat, Lake Wylie Christian Assembly provided the sides as well as other items, New Destiny Community Church provided most of the desserts. Minister Quinton and Rendi led in music, Jimmy from LWCA gave a testimony and then Quinton brought a powerful Word from God about trusting in Him (Proverbs 3:5,6). It was a powerful night with many lives touched with the gospel. There was 12 who made repentive decisions for Jesus!

Then this past Sunday, three of us went back to the prison to hold the morning chapel service. Bruce and Scott shared testimonies. Then I brought the word, Cracked Pots (Acts 3 and 4). We have cracks in our lives, but God still loves us and makes us whole! There were 9 repentive decisions for Christ.

Once again, thank you.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

Monday, December 7, 2009

Denver NC Christmas Parade testimony

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who came out to help us this past Saturday with the Denver, NC Christmas Parade. We had 18 people come out and help us with our parade entry and give out over 100 t shirts and over 1200 candy canes with candy cane tracts. We then had the opportunity to have our music team play prior to the awards and tree lighting ceremony. Denver, NC came out by the thousands for the first ever Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting. We were honored to be a part of this incredible event! May God touch lives with the many seeds that were planted for the gospel.

Merry Christmas!

Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699