Sunday, May 3, 2009

What if church....

Melissa and I are so excited about what God is doing in our lives! He is taking us on an incredible journey of planting New Destiny Community Church.

Tonight, Melissa saw a video clip that says so much about our thoughts and thinking about how God is creating a different kind of church in New Destiny! We believe that it is not as much about what happens inside the walls of a church building during the worship service (yes, it is still very important), but about who we are and Who we represent in our jobs, family, community - everywhere we are. Sometimes we get so busy with Church world that we do not have time to take Jesus to the world. Denver / Lake Norman NC needs to know they can have a New Destiny in Jesus!!


Pastor Mike Teeter

c: 803-448-5699

H: 704-947-3829

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    That is so right. We werent called to go into all the buildings and have great worship services or take up big offerings. We weren't asked to get people to go to our church. We were told by the master high priest yashua to go into all the world and make desciples of all nations
