Sunday, April 26, 2009

Needed: prayer partners!!

New Destiny Community Church is in motion and going forward. Recently we were approved for a BGMC Grant of a $1000 credit with GPH (Gospel Publishing House) for Church Planters. Thank you Jesus!! -- and thank you to all the Children and Children's Ministries that give to BGMC.

We have recently applied for a Speed the Light Grant. Speed the Light is a youth missions program that provides money for sound equipment, projectors, vehicles and computers for missionaries (both home-based and international.) This grant, worth up to $3500, would be an amazing blessing for New Destiny!

We at New Destiny Community Church know God is our supplier. He has all the connections, all the money -- everything we need.

Please pass the word to others about New Destiny. We still need many more workers: those that would come along with us in leadership and those who would help us "launch".

**We need prayer partners!! New Destiny needs to succeed because it is God led and God directed. This will only happen by and because of prayer. Please join us in praying for Denver NC and New Destiny. If you will commit to regularly praying for us, please post a comment or send me an email. Right now, in our beginning stages, please pray for God to raise up a team of believers who desire to work with us to reach Denver, NC. Please pray for God's favor in meeting with the communities in Denver, NC. Please pray for finances. And, please pray that in all this, God will be glorified and He will be lifted up. This is His work!!


Mike Teeter

Lead Pastor

c: 803-448-5699

h: 704-947-3829

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