Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Prison Ministry! upcoming dates: Saturday, May 26th and Friday, June 15th

******************************************************************************************************* Prison Ministry! upcoming dates: Saturday, May 26th and Friday, June 15th God has done some amazing, life impacting things through our prison outreaches this year. Many men have come to repentantive decisions (30 in 2012). Every time we go to minister, God touches our lives as well. If you are interested in going to one of our upcoming outreaches, please contact either Scott Vernon from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly or myself. On Friday, June 15th, we will be providing Dinner for the Prison to Society Ministry. This is an awards celebration night for men who have been apart of an intense program that helps them grow spiritually, educationally, life skills and other areas to help prepare them for transition to society. Many of them are preparing to be released from prison and start a new life! We will be providing Food / meal for around a 100 people. Feel free to contact us if you are are interested in assisting with this outreach. Blessings, Mike Teeter pastor New Destiny Community Church

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