Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PTS Prison Outreach - Friday, August 26th.


On Friday night August 26th, New Destiny Community Church will be teaming up with Lake Wylie Christian Assembly, Fire School of Ministry and other churches / ministries to provide a dinner for an awards celebration at a local prison. The celebration is for the PTS (prison to society) program, that helps inmates that are soon to be released receive life skill classes, in depth discipleship teaching and other classes / mentoring to help them make the transition to society.

The power of The Gospel is that JESUS changes lives! This night will be a night of of joyful celebration and encouraging words.

Here is a few ways of how you can help with this outreach:

1. Partner in PRAY - For the team as we prepare, bless and minister to the inmates.

2. Partner Financial - We will be providing a dinner for 100 plus people. We are looking at doing Fried Chicken with the appropriate sides. The estimated cost is at least $500. You are welcome to assist financial to help with this outreach or you may have a connection or other sources that can help provide food or lower the cost. Any funds designated as an offering for this outreach will go toward expenses for this night. If we have more come in, we will give those funds toward PTS ministy.

3. Partner as a volunteer. If God has given you a heart, desire and currently the time to volunteer - then please contact myself or Scott Vernon (from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly).


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

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