Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Destiny Community Church - News


Greetings! Melissa and I hope everyone is doing well this holiday weekend. My parents came yesterday to be with us through Tuesday. They are enjoying seeing baby Katelyn! We really feel blessed to have such a sweet daughter.

God has been doing a mighty work through New Destiny and I know greater things are to come! We appreciate all who partner/team up with us to touch lives in Denver, NC and the surround East Lincoln area. He has been stirring my heart with His Word and am excited for where He is taking us. Below is recent updates of what has or will be happening at New Destiny Community Church.


Mike Teeter


New Destiny Community Church

twitter: pastormteeter

cell 803-448-5699


Today, Saturday July 2nd is the Denver NC Fireworks. New Destiny is a sponsor/vendor for this community event held on by DABA (Denver area business association). New Destiny is a member of DABA and we look forward to being a part of this great event. The Fireworks were amazing last year. We will be giving out cold water and New Destiny? t shirts at our booth with the purpose of spending time connected with people. I also encourage us all to be in a mode of prayer as well. I invite everyone who can to come join us to help and enjoy this great community event. We will start setting up around 3:30pm.

Tomorrow night, we have guest worship leader John Perkins coming to lead worship at our New Destiny worship service at The Club at Westport in Denver NC at 6pm. It is going to be an incredible God anointed time of praise and worship, and God's Word! Invite a friend, family or neighbor to join us.

Saturday, July 9 New Destiny will be on the radio from 12 noon until 12:30pm on 1270am.

Sunday, July 24th, we will be having a local worship team from Denver Nazarene Church coming to lead worship.

Recently the podcast have been updated. Check them out on the website.

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