Saturday, May 7, 2011

Prayer needs

New Destiny thanks everyone for all your thoughts, prayers, financial partnership. Just wanted to share some of our current needs:
1. Continued favor in our community and with The Club at Westport. We appreciate a place to meet, just believing for further divine connections.

2. Musicians: we can use regular keyboard player, guitar player, drums, singers, etc. Looking for those who are talented and even more so have a heart for ministry.

3. Hospitality, those who have a heart for people and are friendly.

4. Nursery and children workers. We have grown by 2 newborns recently! So, we need to get ready soon.

5. Set up and tear down help. We currently set up and tear down church each Sunday and can use some help, especially before service.

6. At least once a month, we hold a big concert or community outreach. We can utilize outside help for these efforts.

7. Prayer partners!

Please contact me if you are able or if you know someone in this areas (or others you may think of).


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
Denver, NC
cell 803-448-5699
office / home 704-947-3829

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