Saturday, November 6, 2010

Denver, NC Christmas Parade (2010) update

2010 Denver, NC Christmas Parade
Date: Saturday, December 4 @ 2pm. We will be getting there earlier to decorate and prepare.
• Kyle Lamb (from Ignited 12:29 Uth Group) is driving his truck and trailer. Thank you Kyle!
• We will be handing out over 1500 candy canes with candy cane tracks. We do need small candy canes if you would like to donate.
• We will be having a team of students from Raleigh Master’s Commission joining us to help that Thursday through Sunday to assist for a weekend full of ministry! Thank you RMC.
• We need a quiet generator to have music on the float. We may do live or at least play music through sound system.
• We need some good ideas for decorating the float. Contact me if you have some ideas.
• The Theme this year for the parade is “The Bells of Christmas….”
• Needed: prayer partners, financial partners and workers for this great day to connect and reach out to our community!
• Here is a message from East Lincoln Betterment Association: Committee Members for ELBA’s Christmas Parade have been meeting and plans are moving forward to bring East Lincoln its second annual Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 4, 2010.

Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

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