Monday, September 20, 2010

Prison Ministry Update

On Saturday night, September 11th Fire School of Ministry teamed up with us to do an outreach service at the men's prison. It was an incredible time in God's presence, great time of worship, Mike Jenkins and Fire Student Dave brought testimonies of how God has changed their lives and then Scott Vernon brought The Word. Then Sunday morning, September 19th Scott Vernon, Jim Richardson and myself went to hold the Sunday morning chapel service. There was at least 14 salvation decisions over the 2 outreaches. We also prayed for many other men for other needs. God is faithful. And He still changes lives!

Also, we as a church not only supports prison ministry by our time and gifts, but also with financial support. Please continue to pray as God touches and changes the lives of men at Kershaw Men's Prison.

If you would like to take part or have more information, please contact us.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

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