Thursday, September 30, 2010

Denver Days 2010 - Denver Got Talent!

Come out to support Arron Council as he is one of the finalist for Denver Got Talent! Many people from all over the surrounding area entered and only 10 were picked to perform tomorrow night. Also, Arron will be leading worship this Sunday Night at New Destiny!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
c: 803-448-5699

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Denver Days 2010 - map and layout

Denver Days 2010 - Donations to Missions!

All donations that may be given will go toward Mexico Missionaries Clint and Alina Snuggs. Please pray for them as they prepare to launch out as new missionaries!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Denver Days update - rides!

Hope to see many out at Denver Days 2010!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Churc

Here is a recent article form Denver Days wordpress blog:

Working with Cole Amusements of Virginia, the Denver Days 2010 will offer more excitement for those who love the rides! In past years, we have had about 10 rides for you to choose from, but the Cole folks are bringing 17 rides, so if you are one of those who love going to county fairs for the rides, you are going to LOVE this edition of Denver Days!

Bud Tschudin, president of Denver Days 2010 has been in contact with Cole Amusements and we will have a good selection of rides for our young kids, the older thrill-seekers and those of us adults who think they are still kids! Wednesday and Thursday, Denver Days opens at 5:00 PM and you can come ride all evening for one low price!

Bud was quoted “ For those who come for excitement, Cole is bringing the following rides: CATCHNAIR, CLIFF HANGER, EXPO WHEEL, TUNNEL FORCE, HURRICANE, RAINBOW, SCAT, SUPER SHOT, and the ZIPPER.”

Bud continued “Since Denver Days has been carefully constructed for all ages, we have worked with Cole to be sure we have equal ride choices for young people as well as older and for the younger ones, we have booked the following rides: THE CAROUSEL, DIZZY DRAGON, DRAGON WAGON, KIDSTOWN, QUAD RUNNER HAMPTON, WAVE THUNDER, WILLIE THE WHALE, and


“We think Denver Days 2010 is going to be the most exciting Denver Days since the festival started in 2003. This is a great event to bring the community together for four days of rides, food and fun. You get to see your neighbors and visit, enjoy some great food, enjoy the entertainment and help our Rotary Club build your park. Come visit Denver Days.”

New Destiny Missions!

I am excited about the upcoming month for New Destiny Community Church. We will be having 2 - 3 missionary families within the next month in our Sunday Night services. From the first month (April 2010) we began to meet on a weekly basis at The Club at Westport, we began to support local and foreign missions work. This Sunday, October 4th we will be having Venezuelan Missionaries Scott and Charity Smith joining us in our service!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Denver Days 2010! (update)

We are praying and believing for an God anointed awesome time out at Denver Days 2010. If you can partner with New Destiny in this outreach to our community we would greatly appreciate it. The following are areas where we can use assistance:

1. Prayer and financial support. It is costing us funds beyond our normal budget for everything we are doing for this 2 day community outreach. We have stepped out in faith believing and knowing He supplies. You are welcome to give for this effort if you would like. Also, any donations given by those who stop by our booth will go toward missions. We are supporting Missionaries to Mexico Clint and Alina Snuggs.

2. Friends of mine, John and Gina Gowie are coming to help. They are professional balloon and face painting artists. They will need assitance as well as those who already know or who can learn this art and help.

3. We plan to give out bottles of water. We can use some help in bringing some cases of water, bags of ice, a couple of coolers and then help in giving it out. We also have stickers with New Destiny labels to place on the bottles of water.

4. We have 130 New Destiny? t shirts to give out. Need assistance in keeping that organized.

5. We have church information, such as church business cards, church postcards (with directions), church pens, church wristbands as well as hard candy. We can use some to bring hard candy as well! We have bought about a thousand zip lock bags to place hard candy and business cards in. Need people to keep this organized.

6. If we have enough volunteers, we can have some do a prayer walk!

7. If we do see issues with trash, we can be of assistance in helping keep Denver Days clean. We do have garbage bags and pick up sticks!

Our heart is to take God's love to our community! We are believing God will touch many lives this weekend. Thank you for many who have been partnering with us through prayer, financial and volunteering!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
c: 803-448-5699

Monday, September 27, 2010

Helloween 2010!

Please be in prayer for First Assembly of God Rock Hill, SC as they minister through the Helloween outreach. Every year hundreds of people make decisions for Christ!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Denver Days coming this week....!

Denver Days is fast approaching! Please keep us in prayer and if you are able to help this Friday or Saturday, please contact me.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
c: 803-448-5699

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Missionary Clint Snuggs coming - October 10th!

On Sunday, October 10th we will be having Missionaries to Mexico Clint and Alina Snuggs at New Destiny! They will be sharing from their heart the vision God has given them for Mexico. Please be praying for them as we financially and prayerfully support this family.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Below is a bio fromm the Snuggs website:

Believing for Miracles!
The Snuggs Family
We are an ordinary family that God has chosen to be vessels to touch the people of Latin America. We are from Thomasville, NC. Clint and I are the proud parents of two wonderful children, Clint II who is ten years old and Olivia who is seven years old.
A few years ago we went on a short term mission trip to Belize, Central America. God began to unfold His will for our lives on this trip. We returned home as changed people. We immediately sold our home and downsized in order to have finances to do more trips and God began to show us that we had a call to go to foreign countries but we still didn’t know to what capacity. The next year we went to Peru, South America. As we were sharing our heart with the missionary there, he confirmed that we were indeed called to the mission field. After much prayer we decided to take a leap of faith and apply to become missionaries.
Now the calling in our lives is more real than ever. God has called us to serve as church planters in Jalisco, Mexico. This area and four surrounding states is known and referred to as the heart of darkness. The reason this area is called “The heart of darkness” is because there is less than 2% evangelical Christians in this area. Currently we are itinerating to raise our budget. When the amount is raised, we will then go to Costa Rica for one year to attend language school. After that, we will be off to Mexico to share the gospel and disciple converts. In doing this we plan to plant churches so that the Gospel will continue to go forth in Mexico. We are living in a time that is opportune for God to show himself in a great way. Please join with us in support so that we can get to Jalisco, Mexico. We would love to come share but if that is not possible please take this packet and ask God if he would have you to help us.
Blessings in the name of our Great GOD!!!!!!

New Destiny Community Church - Communion Sunday

Tonight is going to be an incredible time of worship, fellowship and The Word at New Destiny! Also, it is our monthly time of partaking in the Lord's Supper (communion). Be praying and believing for changed lives!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
c: 803-488-5699

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Destiny Community Church - website

We recently have been making updates on our website that include: directions page now has more detailed directions (with picture of The Club at Westport, google maps, the postcard that has the detailed directions) and a media page that will include podcast. More changes are to come in the near future!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
c: 803-448-5699

New Destiny Community Church - 2010 pictures

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing some you out at Christian Music Day out at Carowinds later today and then many more at church tomorrow night! Tomorrow is going to be a powerful anointed service with a timely word from God. Also, it is Communion Sunday.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell: 803-448-5699

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Missionary Prayer request

Thank you for wearying from our prayer requests, I know it has been frequent lately,
Prayer Request for Honduras - Tropical Storm Matthew to become a dangerous hurricane...."
I am sending out this prayer request because hundreds die each year in Honduras from flooding, mud slides, falling rocks into roads etc.
The infrastructure here just not adequate to sustain the quantity of rain resulting in disaster and loss of homes and lives.
Thank you for your love, concern and PRAYERS!

Earlier tonight, I recieved a prayer request (see above) from our Honduras Missionary Ken Harrell. Please hold them and Honduras up in prayer.


Christian Music Day 2010 at Carowinds!

Some of us from New Destiny Community Church will be out at Carowinds this Saturday for Christian Music Day! Melissa and I look forward to seeing many of you out there and we are believing for a wonderful day of anointed fun filled concerts.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Denver Days (Denver, NC) 2010

Denver Days 2010 starts in just over a week! This is one of Denvers biggest events of the year. For the second year in a row, New Destiny Community Church has a booth at Denver Days. We plan to give out T Shirts, wristbands, face painting, balloon creations, candy, possibly bottled water and church information. We will be setting up on Friday, October 1st and we will be out there on Friday and Saturday. We need many who will parnter with us in prayer, finances and volunteer. Please contact me if you are able to help.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Communi-y Church


check out the following blog for information about Denver Days:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Denver Days 2010

Denver Days 2010 is coming upon us in just 10 days! This is one of the biggest events of the year in Denver, NC and a great opportunity to connect with 1000's of people within a couple of days. For the second year in a row, New Destiny Community Church has a booth at the festivel. We will be doing balloon creations, giving out t shirts, wristbands, church information, hard candy and possibly water. We need many volunteers to help set up, work the booth, and then tear down. Denver Days is from Friday, October 1st from 4 - 11pm and then Saturday, October 2nd from 11am - 11pm. Please contact us if you are able to help and what time you are able to help. Also, you are welcome to support us in prayer and financially.

Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Monday, September 20, 2010

Prison Ministry Update

On Saturday night, September 11th Fire School of Ministry teamed up with us to do an outreach service at the men's prison. It was an incredible time in God's presence, great time of worship, Mike Jenkins and Fire Student Dave brought testimonies of how God has changed their lives and then Scott Vernon brought The Word. Then Sunday morning, September 19th Scott Vernon, Jim Richardson and myself went to hold the Sunday morning chapel service. There was at least 14 salvation decisions over the 2 outreaches. We also prayed for many other men for other needs. God is faithful. And He still changes lives!

Also, we as a church not only supports prison ministry by our time and gifts, but also with financial support. Please continue to pray as God touches and changes the lives of men at Kershaw Men's Prison.

If you would like to take part or have more information, please contact us.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Friday, September 17, 2010

LIncolnton Apple Festival

Tomorrow is The Apple Festival in Lincolnton, NC and it should be a wonderful day of fun, food and music. I will be out there in the morning volunteering at the Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you at church this Sunday Night @ The Club at Westport!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
youtube: newdestinydenver