Saturday, June 5, 2010

Clint and Alina Snuggs ~ Missionaries to Mexico

This past week at the North Carolina District Council in Concord, NC, Melissa and I had the opportunity to meet Clint and Alina Snuggs. They have incredible hearts and we know as they prepare to go to Mexico, many lives will be touched by the gospel!

A few days ago I recieved their testimony of being called to be missionaries to Mexico. Below is their testimony. Please continue to pray for them as we as a church partner with them in prayer and financially.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699


Believing for Miracles!

The Snuggs Family

We are an ordinary family that God has chosen to be vessels to touch the people of Latin America. We are from Thomasville, NC. Clint and I are the proud parents of two wonderful children, Clint II who is ten years old and Olivia who is seven years old.
A few years ago we went on a short term mission trip to Belize, Central America. God began to unfold His will for our lives on this trip. We returned home as changed people. We immediately sold our home and downsized in order to have finances to do more trips and God began to show us that we had a call to go to foreign countries but we still didn’t know to what capacity. The next year we went to Peru, South America. As we were sharing our heart with the missionary there, he confirmed that we were indeed called to the mission field. After much prayer we decided to take a leap of faith and apply to become missionaries.
Now the calling in our lives is more real than ever. God has called us to serve as church planters in Jalisco, Mexico. This area and four surrounding states is known and referred to as the heart of darkness. The reason this area is called “The heart of darkness” is because there is less than 2% evangelical Christians in this area. Currently we are itinerating to raise our budget. When the amount is raised, we will then go to Costa Rica for one year to attend language school. After that, we will be off to Mexico to share the gospel and disciple converts. In doing this we plan to plant churches so that the Gospel will continue to go forth in Mexico. We are living in a time that is opportune for God to show himself in a great way. Please join with us in support so that we can get to Jalisco, Mexico. We would love to come share but if that is not possible please take this packet and ask God if he would have you to help us.

Blessings in the name of our Great GOD!!!!!!

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