Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Destiny facility update

We are praying about a facility in North Denver NC, across from Rock Springs Elementary School. Rent would not be too bad, still very much an act of faith for a new church. But the real need are finances and help to get it up to code for a church. It was an old video store, which means it was retail commercial. Basically we would need to: upgrade from 1 hr firewall to a 2 hr firewall, up grade HVAC from 5 ton to 10 - 12.5 ton, add panic release doors and then some cosmetice work. Also, we still need chairs, children ministry items, etc. To do all the code work is estimated at $20,000. If work was done by volunteers, etc we could get it below $10,000 and possibly less. We are required to have at least one person who is a GC.

Please pray for favor. And if you are able to help, know of someone who can help, please let me know. Also, if you are able to give financially in this effort, please do. We will know more details by end of next week. We have been searching for weeks and Melissa and I believe this is God's best. The high school is not a guarantee on a weekly basis.

Thank you for your many prayers, finances and support.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

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