Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palm Sunday Communion - March 28, 2010

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to invite everyone to our 1st ever Communion Service tomorrow night at our home. Let's celebrate His love and our salvation because of Jesus!

5:30 service with communion at end
food after service.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

c 803-448-5699

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Newspaper article - March 17

New church hopes to meet spiritual needs in Denver
by: Sarah Melton

Pastor Mike Teeter, and his wife, Melissa, hope their new church will touch the lives of people needing a little spiritual guidance.

“I do believe there are a lot of people who are unchurched or non-churched,” he said.

“A lot of people are hurt and searching in life. They didn’t know they had a greater destiny, a greater purpose, and even more so, the younger generation.”

The Teeters started New Destiny Community Church last year, but did not hold the first Sunday worship service until January at East Lincoln High School.

Members have been meeting regularly at the Teeters’ home, but the worship services are held as space is available at the school. They hope to find a more permanent location for the church soon.

New Destiny is a nondenominational church that uses modern technology to reach its followers, particularly younger people.

“We are trying to reach more of the young adults,” Teeter said. “We want to reach any generation, but target that generation.”

Teeter enjoys using multimedia tools to get his message across to the crowd. His wife is the lead vocalist for the church and oversees its music program.

“I want us to do what is going to reach people in this area that aren’t being reached,” Teeter said.

A graduate of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Fla., Teeter has 10 years of experience in youth ministry as a youth pastor and youth leader.

He was the interim lead pastor at York Cornerstone Church in York, S.C., along with being director of Jail and Prison Ministries at Lake Wylie Christian Assembly.

“My wife and I got married in 2006 and before I got married, I felt God was leading me to pastor, and most likely, at some point to plan a church,” Teeter said.

After the couple married in 2006, Teeter sought guidance from York Cornerstone on how to open his own church.

“When we were praying, number one, we felt this is where God was leading us,” Teeter said. “When I looked at the demographics, this seemed like an area that was growing.”

New Destiny has participated in a few local events, but wants to expand on those efforts.

“One of our main goals is to continue to connect to the community,” Teeter said.

For more information about New Destiny Community Church, visit or call 704-947-3829.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Destiny facility update

We are praying about a facility in North Denver NC, across from Rock Springs Elementary School. Rent would not be too bad, still very much an act of faith for a new church. But the real need are finances and help to get it up to code for a church. It was an old video store, which means it was retail commercial. Basically we would need to: upgrade from 1 hr firewall to a 2 hr firewall, up grade HVAC from 5 ton to 10 - 12.5 ton, add panic release doors and then some cosmetice work. Also, we still need chairs, children ministry items, etc. To do all the code work is estimated at $20,000. If work was done by volunteers, etc we could get it below $10,000 and possibly less. We are required to have at least one person who is a GC.

Please pray for favor. And if you are able to help, know of someone who can help, please let me know. Also, if you are able to give financially in this effort, please do. We will know more details by end of next week. We have been searching for weeks and Melissa and I believe this is God's best. The high school is not a guarantee on a weekly basis.

Thank you for your many prayers, finances and support.


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Praising God - March 13 Prison Outreach

Praising God for an incredible chapel service at Men's Prison last night. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this outreach team. The chapel was packed out and from the moment we walked in the door I knew something special was about to happen.

After Stacie read Psalm 51 and Melissa prayed, Scott shared about the importance of time. Powerful word that both made us laugh and cry!

Then I shared a message called 'This Changes Everything' from the main scripture of 2 Corinthians 5:17. God moved throughout the whole service. At the alter call, 36 men were prayed for, 14 of them made a salvation decision! Praise God!


Mike Teeter

New Destiny Community Church
