Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Bulletin

Melissa and I are excited to be having the 4th New Destiny meeting tonight at our home from 6 - 8pm. We are believing for a powerful anointed time together. We are having food and fellowship, music, The Word, Prayer and planning for upcoming events.

Tonight's message: God is Bigger II! Numbers 13 and 14

Upcoming dates:

September 13 and 20: New Destiny @ Pastor Mike and Melissa's home

September 23 - 26th - Denver Days
September 23 - Gospel Night
Vendor Set up - September September 25/26

September 27th (Sunday Morning) - Kershaw Prison Outreach

October 25th (Sunday Night) from 6 - 7:30pm
Projected New Destiny Preview Service


New Destiny Needs:

*Prayers: there is no power without prayer. Please keep Melissa and I, as well as New Destiny in prayer.
*New Destiny launch team: if you are interested in helping or know of others, please spread the word about New Destiny. Melissa and I know God has the right people to team up with New Destiny.
*Financial Partners: **ND plans to apply for matching grant.**
1. we need those who would give on a regular bases to help ND succeed. Giving can be directly to ND (we have a bank account) or through NC District.
2. those who are led to give on a one time donation.

Current specific needs:
1. Denver Days - estimated costs $2500 (for application fee, balloons, pens, canopy,banners, t shirts, hard candy, etc)
2. Sound Equipment/media - estimated retail costs $13,000.

Melissa and I thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, time, financial parnterships - for everything. Together we can reach Denver NC.


Pastor Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

home: 704-947-3829
Cell: 803-448-5699

fyi - posted this video in May. Check it out:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Our first community outreach - East Lincoln High School

We at New Destiny Community Church believe in not just being part of a community, but in reaching out and finding ways to show we care. Schools have recently had many budget cuts and some lay offs in the area. A couple of months ago, we felt compelled to reach out to a local school. Also, we felt led to reach out the teachers and staff. So, this past Wednesday (August 19) we went to East Lincoln High School with supplies teachers may be able to use as well as care bags. Each care bag had chocolate chip cookies, candy and note from New Destiny. Carey and Erik Sisk were able to go with me that morning. When we arrived, by God's favor we were able to put each Care Bag into the staff mail boxes. We pray God will protect, guide and give wisdom to East Lincoln High School teachers and staff. Thank you to all who helped make this outreach happen.

here is the message we had on the cards:

We appreciate and thank all the teachers and staff for your hard work and dedication. We are praying for you as you start this new school year. Blessings, New Destiny

Melissa and I thank everyone who continues to pray, support and believe in us and New Destiny. We know He has so much more for us.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

reminder: next New Destiny is August 30

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Contact information - New Destiny Community Church

Mailing address:

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037


Pastor Mike's Cell: 803-448-5699

currently meeting bi weekly at:

7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Isaiah 43:18 New Thing

Melissa and I are thankful and so very blessed. We know that without Him, we can't make it and will be limited. But with Him, all things are possible for us and New Destiny!

Isaiah 43:18, 19 says,"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

What is amazing, is that God takes someone who is a nobody and makes them into someone because of Him. Often we are looking for a person who is a diamond or Eagle already, perfected and priceless. But see God is looking for our availibility and our heart.

1 Samuel 16:7 it says,"Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

When God was looking to anoint a king, he chose David for his heart. There are people who have been in a desert wasteland feeling like they have no hope. Maybe that is you right now. At times, we may have all felt that way. But God would speak it today that He is making a way in our lives. As we rise up and give all to Him, we begin to soar like an eagle (see previous blog - Isaiah 40:31) and take shape like a diamond. We are priceless and full of the desire to soar! Too often in our lives, we hold back and play it safe. We do what we know we can do. God would speak to step out in faith, to begin to see as God sees.

New Destiny Community Church will gladly welcome diamonds - those soaring like eagles. We need them as we are launching forth. But also, God has birthed us to be a church that sees each person that we come upon through God's eyes. He sees all the potential. He sees all the gifts. God sees our pains, desires, hopes and dreams. He wants to do a New Thing in us! As you read this blog, God is speaking forth in our lives. He is speaking to you and I to not live a life of limits, but to live limitless and full of dreams.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church
h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thank you Pastor Jim Kelly and Superintendent Charles Kelly

Melissa and I just returned from an amazing Church Planter Retreat in Raleigh, North Carolina. While I was in Orlando, FL for General Council, I saw a statistic that North Carolina District was 3rd in the nation for planting churches. North Carolina District is 1st among English Districts (1st and 2nd are Spanish Districts).

Melissa and I know that it comes ultimately by the call of God and His Wisdom in planting a church. But we do understand it helps to have some support - pillars to guide you. We are thankful for Superintendent Charles Kelly and North Carolina District Church Planter Director Jim Kelly, both men of God who are devoted to training up leaders and multiplying churches that will further the Kingdom! These men have been an asset to me and my wife. We believe the North Carolina District of the Assemblies of God will continue to grow in the area of planting churches. It was exciting to see many pastors that are planting churches in the Charlotte, NC area. Thank you to the North Carolina District and all who were involved in putting together this powerful Church Planting Retreat.


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

home 704-947-3829
cell 803-448-5699

home address:

7850 Bud Henderson Road
Huntersville, NC 28078

Church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Destiny - August 2009 Update

August 9, 2009

Melissa and I are thankful for the many who are supporting us and New Destiny Community Church (of Denver, NC). We know we are so very blessed.

We would like to give an update:
* New Destiny has now had two meetings, each at our home. We have had 6 families represented and the second meeting saw an increase in attendance. Our meetings incorporate fellowship, planning, worship, Bible study, and prayer. Later this month we plan on meeting bi-weekly, focusing on upcoming community outreach events.
* New Destiny now has a website: We will continue to work on sub pages for the website as we go forward on the journey.
* I was able to attend General Council in Orlando FL. The Church Multiplication Network of AG informed Church Planters that anyone who stopped by their booth at GC would receive a refund of registration! Praise God.
*While at General Council, I was able to attend two luncheon seminars: Discipleship Banquet with guest speaker coach Tony Dungy and then Church Multiplication Network. The CMN luncheon was especially informative and helpful as we go forward with New Destiny. I was able to hear 4 different pastors testify about their experiences in Church Planting - simply amazing how God worked through each situation.
• New Destiny Community Church is an official AG Church as of April 1, 2009.
• New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
• New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
• North Carolina District is having a Church Planter retreat August 14 & 15 headed by Church Planting Director Jim Kelly. Melissa and I plan to attend this retreat.
• Melissa is having a women’s Bible Study on Monday Nights.
• We have one other confirmed church supporting us: Faith Assembly Orlando.
• We have had 7 individual/families give personal financial support.
• New Destiny has a blog (online newsletter) that we are updating at least once every 2 weeks. We updated the blog 5 times in July and once in August.
• Melissa and I have visited 10 local churches on Wednesday/Sundays to fellowship/meet other ministers over the last 5 months.
• Twice I have met with the pastor from Stonehill Community Church (AG) in Huntersville NC. On Sunday May 31, I preached while the pastor was out of town. I have continued to stay in contact with this pastor.
• We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC.
• We have applied for STL grant (possible $3500). We are currently on waiting list for missions projects.
• Recently, we applied for NC District Endowment (possible $5000). This has been approved (per church planting director Jim Kelly) and funds will be released once New Destiny gets further along with Core Group/Launch Team.
• Received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees (see attached). Indication is would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserving months at time. Another option is to see of store fronts would cut a deal since market is slow right now.
• Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach.
• In the next couple of weeks, we plan to do a back to school outreach to a local Denver, NC school focusing on appreciating and helping teachers.
* In September, New Destiny plans to be a part of Denver Days. This is an annual seasonal festival in Denver, NC. We have submitted an application for a prime location booth and are actively planning outreach strategies for this event.

Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). It is all about Him!

Once again, thank you Pastor Gunn and LWCA. We appreciate you as our parent church sponsor and our main covering of authority and guidance. We would like to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement.

In His Service,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor
H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

Church address:
New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Home Address
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Destiny Denver NC contact information & Orlando 09

Thank you to all of our friends, family and everyone who are supporting New Destiny Community Church (Denver, NC). Melissa and I are excited for all God is doing through us as we continue on the journey of church planting. I am missing my sweet wife Melissa as I am in Orlando FL. She was unable to get the time off work. But I am thankful God blessed me to be able to be at General Council of the Assemblies of God/Youth Fine Arts. It has only been a couple of days and God has already done an awesome work here in my home town.

Last night we attended an incredible Youth Service with thousands of Students. Jeff Deyo led worship and Pastor Vega brought an awesome message. Also, during worship I saw one of our students (from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly) Matthew Carico on the big screen numerous times as we were in a time of worship. Way to go Matthew to be right up front!!

Today, we saw some incredible fine arts students and Kayla Duran from Lake Wylie Christian Assembly recieved a Superior with Honors score (highest rating)! Way to bring it Kayla Duran with your short sermon. We are proud of all of our students from LWCA. As New Destiny Community Church moves forward, we plan to take part in exciting events such as General Council and Fine Arts.

Continue to pray for Melissa and I.


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

New Destiny website:

church address:
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver NC 28037

home address:
7850 Bud Henderson Rd
Huntersville NC 28078
