Monday, May 25, 2009

God is Bigger!

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 13 & 14. We have an incredible leader in Moses. A promise from God of the fertile and free land of Canaan. We have 12 leaders sent out to spy the land, to report back with what they see in the land God has promised them. Allow me to pause and mention that if God says it is a promise from HIM - grab hold of it, fight for it, do whatever it takes. For certainly God's promises are worth every bit going after and believing in. We notice Moses sent leaders, people who had been around to see Moses lead and God work in their lives. Amazingly, even after many of us have seen God move and do the impossible, we still can get dormant or held up in fear or disbelief. God is Bigger than anything we go through. Believe in HIM!

All 12 spies came back from the land seeing the same thing: fertile land, fruit, lush gardens. They also saw the inhabitants of the land, intimidated by their size! But 10 of the spies reported to the people about how "we" could not conquer because of all the obstacles, because the inhabitants of the land were giants! They were full of fear. They were looking at what *they* could do.

In Numbers 13:30 Caleb stood up and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." Caleb remembered that God is on his side. It was not about all the obstacles. It was about we serve a Big God! A God that is Bigger than any financial situation, any job loss, any family situation - ANYTHING. Joshua and Caleb were ready to go forth no matter the obstacles. They knew the promise was from God.

Recently, I used a softball/baseball illustration to relate this story. I have played softball the last few years. I am a solid contact hitter. But before this current season I got together with a friend of mine to "get the rust off". Unbelievably I could not hit the ball. I was totally out of rhythm. It probably took 30 plus pitches and my friend coaching me to make some adjustments. But then I started hitting the ball and hitting it well. So far I am 12 for 16 for the season. There are some valuable lessons to learn from this softball illustration and how it relates to Caleb and Joshua. You see I know how I have hit in the past. The leaders in the 12 spies story were leaders for a reason. Think about, they were seasoned and knew how to do well in life. But to see God sized dreams and promises, we have to "Swing the Bat"! Once I swung, I received some coaching. You see, Joshua and Caleb had courage and were not bound by fear. They were ready to swing the bat.

God has a destiny - a New Destiny for us. Remember that God is Bigger. GO after His promises!


Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699

137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Destiny Update

May 17, 2009

Dear Friends:

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us and New Destiny Community Church,to those who have spoken words of encouragement, who have given financially, helped with guidance or ideas and those who have expressed willingness as workers to help us launch. We are thankful to God and the work of His kingdom!

We would like to give an update:

-New Destiny Community Church is an official open Church as of April 1, 2009.
-New Destiny Community Church now has its own bank account with First Citizen’s Bank.
-New Destiny Community Church has an account with NC District for those who prefer to give through the North Carolina District. We are considered a Home Missions Church.
-We currently have financial partnership by 2 churches.
-We have had 4 individuals/families give personal support.
-New Destiny has an address (see below)
-We plan to update this blog at least twice a month.
-Melissa and I have visited 3 local churches on Wednesday nights to fellowship/meet other NC ministers.
-Recently, we gave volunteer/intern information to the 2 seminaries in Charlotte.
-We received $1000 GPH credit Grant from BGMC. (children ministry missions program)
-Recently, we applied for STL (Speed the Light) grant (possible $3500)
-Recently, we applied for NC District Endowment (possible $5000)
-We have received information from East Lincoln High School on rental process/fees. The indication is it would run $200 a week at most. This is required up front. Therefore, if we go that route I would think best to reserve the facility months at a time. Another option is to see if local empty store fronts would cut a deal since the market is slow at this time.
-Recently we calculated an estimated media/sound budget.
-Melissa and I are receiving regular Church Plant Coaching from a national revitalization coach. This has been excellent counsel and we are grateful for the words of wisdom and straight-up coaching from one who has walked in our shoes before us!
-I have transferred my Ordination Credentials from SC District to NC District.
-This past Tuesday, I met with Rev. Randall Rogers from NC District.
-Our main focus is partnership: recruiting people to be committed to praying for us and New Destiny Community Church, recruiting workers – both core team (leadership) and launch team (those who would assist us in launching New Destiny), and yes, more financial partners (churches and individuals). New Destiny needs help to launch healthy and effectively. We know God is our source. He knows those who are to team up with us. He has all the resources and finances. He knows those we are to reach. It is all for Him! Praise God, who is our main resource. Please pray for us and for His church as you read this and as the Holy Spirit leads.

Once again, thank you!

In Christ,

Michael A. Teeter
Lead Pastor
H: 704-947-3829
C: 803-448-5699

New Destiny Community Church
137 Cross Center Road #252
Denver, NC 28037

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What if church....

Melissa and I are so excited about what God is doing in our lives! He is taking us on an incredible journey of planting New Destiny Community Church.

Tonight, Melissa saw a video clip that says so much about our thoughts and thinking about how God is creating a different kind of church in New Destiny! We believe that it is not as much about what happens inside the walls of a church building during the worship service (yes, it is still very important), but about who we are and Who we represent in our jobs, family, community - everywhere we are. Sometimes we get so busy with Church world that we do not have time to take Jesus to the world. Denver / Lake Norman NC needs to know they can have a New Destiny in Jesus!!


Pastor Mike Teeter

c: 803-448-5699

H: 704-947-3829