Saturday, April 23, 2011

easter rocks HD

Easter at Church Online "Can You See Him?" - Share on Twitter!



BIG DAY tomorrow - Easter! If you need prayer or would like prayer for someone else, you are welcome to join us at New Destiny Community Church tomorrow night at The Club at Westport in Denver, NC at 6pm. It is at 2525 Shanklin Lane in Denver, NC. We have RPM coming to do a worship concert! You also are welcome to email or call me. God is calling out to hearts and lives this Easter to repent and give their lives to HIM. HE changes lives forever.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church
cell 803-448-5699

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Destiny Church, Lake Norman - Denver, North Carolina


This Sunday, April 24th is Easter Sunday! What better Sunday to invite family, friends and neighbors to church. We have RPM in concert this Sunday night at 6pm. Plan to join us and partner with us by praying, helping,and giving financially!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Going home!


Melissa, myself and baby Katelyn are scheduled to come home today from the hospital! Katelyn is excited to see her new home. We appreciate everyone's prayers, thoughts, visits and gifts. Thank you.

Melissa and baby Katelyn will be hanging out at home tonight.

I am ready for an amazing Celebration Service at New Destiny tonight at 6pm. We have much to celebrate. The church as seen two babies in the last few weeks be born, New Destiny is celebrating a year at The Club at Westport and most of all - God's love and salvation upon our lives!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Friday, April 15, 2011

Anniversary Sunday! - Sunday, April 17th


Join us this Sunday, April 17th at 6pm for our 1 year Anniversary Service. We have missionaries - The Hadden Family, along with guest musicians and a speaker from Raleigh coming!

I love being a Daddy!


It was amazing to be the first one to hold baby Katelyn! She is a Daddy's Girl and a gift from God. This picture was the first one taken of me holding her after she was born. I am full of joy and praising God!


Mike Teeter
pastor (and now - a Daddy)
New Destiny Community Church

Katelyn is born!


Melissa and I are proud parents of our baby girl Katelyn! She was born yesterday at 9:46 am. She is our miracle from God. We appreciate everyone for your many prayers, thoughts and gifts!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Destiny Church, Lake Norman - Denver, North Carolina


This Sunday is our 1 year anniversary at The Club at Westport! Join us for an amazing time of celebration this Sunday at 6pm.


Mike Teeter

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Podcasts are updated!


Check out the website! Podcasts were recently updated.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Destiny Radio Program - April 9th from 12 noon - 12:30 pm


New Destiny will be on the Radio tomorrow, April 9th from 12 noon - 12:30 pm on WCGC 1270am!


Mike Teeter

Celebration Service this Sunday! at New Destiny


This month is going to be the best ever in the history of New Destiny Community Church. We are celebrating a year of weekly services at The Club at Westport! Last April 18th was our first service at Westport. The journey has only begun. We are so thankful for what He has already done.

Join us this Sunday, April 10th for communion, guest missionary Fred Kovach, amazing worship, powerful - timely Word and food after service!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

Monday, April 4, 2011

Let God Arise - RPM! coming April 24th


RPM, coming to The Club at Westport in Denver, NC on April 24th at 6pm. Sponsored by New Destiny Community Church.


Mike Teeter

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Prayer and Financial needs!


New Destiny Community Church is almost a year old and we are thankful for all God has done in our lives, in our families, in our church and community. We have been actively involved in community events such as Denver Days, 4th of July Fireworks, Chamber of Commerce and local business expos. Also, we currently supports STL (Youth Missions), BGMC (Childrens Missions), New Destiny Radio Program, PTS (local Prison Outreach ministry) and four missionaries. We are a church that loves outreach and missions! It is the heart of God to care, love and reach the hurting, lost and those in need. We also have hosted various student groups in doing local outreaches and leading our Sunday Celebration Service! Recently, we have begun helping Mt Moriah Ministries led by directors John and Suzanne. Our website has been updated and regularly has new podcasts and videos. Much has been accomplished in the first year, but we know God has so much more for us and the journey has only just begun. Please continue to partner with us in prayer, finances and labor.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church


Prayer needs:

1. For greater favor in the community of Westport, town of Denver NC and surrounding area.
2. For workers for the harvest. We have needs for regular musicians, singers, set up workers, hospitality, outreach, teachers, and various other areas. Also, Melissa and I are about to have a our first baby - Katelyn. And our good friends Paul and Nicole Martinez just had a baby boy - Jonas! So, we soon will need nursery / children workers.
3. For Directors John and Suzanne from Mt Moriah Ministries. John is currently in the Hospital and needs a miracle prayer of healing.
4. For our missionaries: Harrel Family Ministries, Debbie and Mitch Martinez, Scott and Charity Smith, and Clint and Alina Snuggs.
5. For God's wisdom, direction and anointing.


We our thankful of how God has provided for us as a new church. At this point in the journey, we can still use and appreciate outside financial partners in a few areas. You are welcome to designate to a specific area.

1. We are currently on the radio, 1270 am (WCGC) from 12:00 noon to 12:30pm on Saturday bi weekly. The airwaves from this program can reach up to a million people. We also put the recording on the media tab of our website. It costs us $100 a month. You are welcome to sponsor a week or month.
2. We have RPM Worship coming to do an outreach concert April 24th (Easter) night from 6 - 8pm. For us to do this outreach night right, it will take $800 - $1000. You are welcome to help sponsor, plus please keep this night in prayer. We are believing for an amazing Easter Night!
3. We do various community outreaches (see above) throughout the year. The monthy amount of costs is around $300.

We thank you for your prayers, thoughts and financial support. The above is only a nugget of prayer and financial needs. Please keep an eye on and this blog for regular updates.


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

April 24th Concert! at The Club at Westport

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Missionary Fred Kovach coming April 10th!


New Destiny Community Church loves missionaries! We welcome Fred Kovach to our Celebration Service on Sunday, April 10th.


Pastor Mike

New Destiny Radio Progam!


New Destiny Community Church is on 1270 am (WCGC - Belmont, NC) twice a month from 12 noon - 12:30 pm! Today was an amazing time on the radio. Please keep this time in prayer... for lives to be touched with the Gospel message of Jesus!


Pastor Mike

***tomorrow night we have our good friend John Perkins coming to lead worship in our Sunday Night Celebration service! Come ready to worship and recieve a timely Word.***

Friday, April 1, 2011

Harrell Family Missions Distribution Ministry Video.wmv


Harrell Family Ministries is one of the missionaries we financially and prayerfully support on a monthly basis. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers!


Pastor Mike

Drama I Am Chosen NDCC Denver, NC

New Destiny Church, Lake Norman - Denver, North Carolina


God has huge things for our lives and for Denver NC! We have some incredible events coming soon:

Saturday, April 2nd from 12 noon - 12:30pm
New Destiny Radio Program on 1270 am WCGC

Sunday, April 3rd at 6pm
Celebration Service at The Club at Westport. John 10 (Sheep/Shepherd)part II

Sunday, April 10th at 6pm
Celebration Service at The Club at Westport.
Guest Missionary - Fred

Thursday, April 14th
Our baby girl Katelyn is due!

Sunday, April 17th at 6pm
Anniversary Service!
Guest Musician Marquis and speaker Mike from Ralaigh, NC
Guest Missionaries

Sunday, April 24th at 6pm
RPM Music in concert!

Sunday, May 22nd at 6pm
Forever Changed - ministry drama/music program
from Crossroads Church

New Destiny Pastor Mike Teeter message Wow I at The Club at Westport in ...

WOW! It has been almost a year that New Destiny Community Church has been meeting at The Club at Westport. April 18th is our 1 year anniversary and we our believing for a God filled, impactful, amazing month of April. A WOW month! We will be ending the month with RPM Worship in concert on Easter night (April 24th). Be praying, be believing, and let's see God show Himself to be the almighty, all powerful healer, restorer and all we need.

We our praising God for little Jonas Martinez that was born March 28!


Mike Teeter
New Destiny Community Church

***and only 13 days until our baby girl Katelyn is due to make her grand entrance!***