Sunday, September 27, 2009

Denver Days Praise!

On behalf of New Destiny Community Church, I would like to thank everyone who has helped us in making Denver Days a success! We know there were so many who partnered financially, prayed for us and kept us in your thoughts.

Thank you to all those who took part in Gospel Night with Carey Sisk leading. I know it was many nights of practice. I heard many compliments of how well the band sounded. We appreciate all who joined with us to rock out Gospel Night! We believe as more hear about New Destiny they will know we sound great and there is something different about us - God's presence and annointing!

Also, I would like to thank my old college roommate John Gowie and his wife Gina for coming from Greensboro, NC to help as well. John is a master balloon artist and even on a drizzly Friday night, we had many coming for a balloon creation!

We thank God for many contacts that were made(in the midst of the rain!) and all the opportunities to minister. God has so much for New Destiny Community Church!


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church

Next Service / Sunday Night Live - Oct 4

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Denver Days (Denver NC)

Melissa and I are full of excitement as we continue on this amazing journey as Church Planters! We know God has so much for us and New Destiny Community Church. We are having our first September meeting tomorrow. May God feel the place with is mighty prsence and anointing. May no one leave the service the same!

Months ago, we believed that we were to be a part of Denver Days (festival) in Denver, NC. It is now fast approaching us, September 23 - 26.

On September 23, the New Destiny Worship Team, led by Carey Sisk, will be playing for Gospel Night of Denver Days. Many church groups will be playing that night. Our team is scheduled to play @ 6:15pm. Come out, support our group, and join us in worship!

New Destiny is also one of the sponsors of Denver Days (Friend of Denver Days). We will have a booth at Denver Days on Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26. We plan to have a drawing (prize to be determined), t-shirt give away, hard candy, ND business cards and postcards, balloon creations and more! Yesterday I picked up the T-shirts and just over a week ago picked up two banners (see picture on top of this blog).

We need much help with finalizing all the details to have this outreach be a success:
1. we need people volunteer to help with set up, manning the booth and tear down.
2. if you can, please help with donating candy, nice white long tables, nice prizes for the drawing or financial donation to off set the cost.
3. please pray, this is of the utmost importance for us to have God's favor and wisdom.

We at New Destiny know God has divine God moment appointments that He has set up during this time with Denver Days.


Mike Teeter
Lead Pastor

New Destiny Community Church

h 704-947-3829
c 803-448-5699